Friday, April 10, 2020

What the world needs now....

Have you heard about this song "What the world needs now is love"? I liked the Jackie DeShannon version.

With the current state of the world due to the COVID-19 situation and environmental crisis (global warming, sea level rising, animals extinction and etc), I guess what the world needs now besides love, is commonsense.

The world needs leaders who have commonsense, compassion, empathetic yet with courage and bold enough to make radical changes to turn over the earth's fate from self-destruction by human beings.

The earth needs leaders who dare to challenge our existing belief systems of consumption model - consuming, producing, buying, spending to sustain economic growth at the expense of the earth. This is because, in order to support this consumption model and belief, countries encouraged population growth as more people means more consumption and more consumption means multiplier effects which ultimately brings to GDP growth and good looking numbers.

Commonsense tells us that higher population growth means the world needs to produce more food, more infrastructure, more houses and more energy to sustain the population. That will means more forests need to be clear for land to build houses, infrastructure, and food. More oil need to be extracted to produce energy to sustain the infrastructure and utilities. More seas need to be combed for fishing. The high demand for resources from our mother earth due to excessive consumption had severely strained our ecosystems, causing disruptions to weather, global warming, ice cap melting and sea level rising which threatened human species survival. The virus outbreak was also due to the transmission of virus from exotic animals to human beings due to the consumption of wildlife animals which is a result of this consumption model and belief. Human beings are consuming way beyond our needs due to the need to consume to support the delusion of growth and wealth.

Commonsense tells us that this consumption model is not sustainable because the earth resources are finite. Consumption model also drives anxiety and fear into people's psychology as we are too used to consume and loss our ability to create and creation is the key to survival. Thus as the virus outbreak progressed, many people exhibited anxiety and fearful behaviour of buying and hoarding food and supplies because deep inside, everyone knows that the earth resources are finite and can run out someday. Thus people resorted to hoard the supplies for survival because we are too used to consuming and loss the ability to create for self-sufficiency and survival. We are all the end product of this consumption model.

Commonsense tells us that if we don't change our belief system, living habits and lifestyle, human beings are headed to self-destruction which many scientists and researchers been warning us through the decades and the dooms day scenario was also depicted in many movies though the years too. However we are too entrenched in group thinking and loss our ability for critical and independent thinking for commonsense.

Commonsense tells us that this COVID-19 virus could be air-borne due to the evidence of China had to resort to locking down one of its main city to prevent the virus spreading out to affect other parts of the country, wide spreading of the virus within the cruises and to many more countries. Yet the first thing our country leaders did was to tell people not to wear masks if not sick and not even a cloth mask as the cloth mask has 0 effects of blocking virus. Which in my humble opinion was not true as it depends on the cloth mask material. Instead of putting efforts to think of ways to create and invent reusable cloth masks with suitable material which may help, they disregarded people who suggested the need for wearing mask and shamed people who wear mask (evidence of one high profile minister leaked audio of mocking HK leader of wearing mask).

They continued to maintain this mantra even after some doctors came out to strongly recommend wearing masks to prevent spreading of the virus. They can attribute it to some reputable organisation advise, but the question is why countries like Taiwan, Macau are able to do things differently which help to prevent the virus from spreading in their countries? When the outbreak first started, their countries' leaders advise their people to wear mask and even ration them to buy mask and did not follow that organisation advise fully. They are able to exercise their commonsense to identify the problem accurately and dare to take bold action swiftly and proactively.

Whereas for our country, what we witnessed are reactive measures which they took actions progressively as things got worse... This showed how our country leaders are getting out of touch with the reality and unable to identify the problem early and accurately to take actions swiftly. But well, one thing positive is that they had the courage to own up their mistakes to reverse their previous flawed position. Hopefully it is not too late. Perhaps getting another minister with a good track record of handling crisis with commonsense thinking and bold to take proactive actions to take over heading the taskforce will help to put it back on track.

This COVID-19 situation had reflected that nations which have the ability to create is the key for survival in this new era. It is only through the ability to create basic needs (e.g. food, water, energy) then we can self-sustain during trying times to survive. Because when such epidemic outbreak, all countries will want to protect their own interest first and countries which relied heavily on imports and foreign workers will be the first to be affected.

For nations and human beings to survive, I believe that there need to have radical change in belief systems to shift from consumption to creation model. Creation could means growing plants and vegetation in a sustainable manner which could provide food to humans and greenery to the earth. Creation by using amino acids and vegetables to create healthy, meat-alike food so as not to adopt cruel practice of rearing and killing livestocks excessively to satisfy humans' wants. Creation by finding ways to tap on existing free and clean energy (E.g. solar power) to power up utilities to reduce air pollution. Creation to reuse and recycle our existing resources into something new. Creation with compassion and empathy towards fellow human beings, other living species and mother earth. That will be the key to survive in this era, if not within the next 20 years, we may be the last species to witness the end of human, flora and fauna on planet earth, if mother earth decided that enough is enough.

Reflecting on a post I made few years back about a children book review. It is very relevant at this time.


Updates 2018 - Present

It's been 2 years since I last blogged. So many things happened during this 2 years. To catch up on the happenings for the past 2 years:

Ting Ting
Ting Ting was 5 years old. She developed so fast and I lost track of her developmental milestone as I missed blogging about it. So a bit regret now...Anyway, I will pick up where I left. I remembered that I was struggling to manage her emotional outburst during this period. The difficulty to manage her emotional outburst also set me thinking if I been a good mother. A lot of self-doubt and stressors.

A mixture of good and bad year for me. Experienced a traumatic incident @ work. Was emotionally affected. However sometimes, it is only through experiencing and overcoming challenges that we grow. Through the incident, I built more insight about myself, learnt to accept things as it happened and letting go of some unhelpful thoughts and felt better. Guess the reason I could get over it so fast despite what happened was also because of the support of my supervisor and bosses at work. Most importantly, my family is my greatest support. Really thankful of the helping hands extended to me during that period.

It was not an easy year but we managed to scrap through.

Ting Ting
Ting Ting was 6 years old. We finally decided to withdraw her from the Yamaha piano lessons. It was not an easy decision as we already invested quite a substantial amount for the past 2 years and it was a great pity to give up.

However, as the piano lessons progress, she started to display resistance. As it was conducted in a group setting, she had difficulty to catch up with the teachings. We witnessed her from dragging to attend to finally refusing to attend despite us using soft tactics. She won't even respond to positive reinforcement like rewards to bring herself to attend the lessons.

What really compel us to make the decision was one of her meltdown outside the centre. That really set us thinking what do we as parents hope to achieve by imposing our will upon our child when she was so resistance to attend and in distress mode? What is our intention of getting her to attend piano lessons? Is playing piano her interest and strength? What are our hopes for our child as parents in the first place?

Our original intention of enrolling her to piano class was because she showed interest in music and singing, and furthermore, we read about learning music at young age helps the child development cognitively and emotionally. But well, our good intention did not turn out to be intended.

Our hopes is simply for her to be happy and find happiness in doing things which interest her, allowing her to apply and develop her strengths and passion. So how can she be happy when we imposed upon her to do what she disliked to do? After weighing our priorities, we decided that her happiness is the most important to us. Thus we withdrew her from the piano lesson.

After stopping the piano lesson, I noticed that her temperament improved and able to better control her emotions, thus lesser outburst. So we decided to take it easy and pace with her interests. She wanted to attend art lesson as she has a passion for drawing. She can draw quite well for her age and she's been drawing everyday consistently. The things she drew can be things like flowers, houses, family, Disney characters and comics. She also enjoys attending Akido lesson as there is one Akido centre near my house and every time she passed by, she will keep looking at it and so interested. Therefore we had enrolled her to the arts and Akido lessons. There is a spark difference of her attitude when attending the lessons now. Totally 0 resistance and most importantly, she enjoyed the lessons.

She is able to read books by herself already. Her favourite collection was Dork Diaries. I remembered when she started sharing with me about her crush in her preschool, I was so shock. What does a 6 year old child knows about crush? But well, I learnt not to be reactive towards her sharing. The fact she willing to share means she felt safe. Thus I encouraged her to share more about her crush and what she likes about her crush to understand her better. She told me that she liked her crush because that boy was kind, humorous, likes to joke but not trying to be funny. Oh well, I guess I need to constantly learn and relearn parenting knowledge and skills to cope with her developmental and emotional needs.

She had grown to be a sociable gal, able to make friends with ease and open to share about her likes and dislikes. I observed that she seems to be more matured than her friends. Often, she talked like an adult and able to hold conversation with others

She finally graduated from her preschool. She performed well during her year end concert. We were so proud of her.

It was a relatively ok year for me. I was able to better manage the stress @ work and felt less stressed as I gained more competency. I finally decided to take the plunge to take my Masters by doing one module first in the last quarter of 2019 to improve my professional knowledge and skills. Took 1 module to test waters first if I could cope with the work and family commitments. I managed to pass the module with quite good results. Felt pleased about it and I shall continue to work hard for the rest of my 5 modules which I be starting in 2020.

Ting Ting
She started her P1, which is a major transition for her from preschool to primary school. The year started with a mishap. She was sick after Christmas towards the end of Dec19. She had sudden high fever which lasted for 2-3 weeks, and the doctor diagnosed her as having bronchitis  It stretched till she started school. Thus she had to skip her school opening and missed her first 2 weeks of class. We were so worried about her as this strain of fever was so persistent and we had to go KKH A&E twice and saw the GP twice. First time she was sick for so long too.

However upon her recovery, she quickly adjusted to the school environment despite the late start up. She likes going to school and shared that her form teacher is the nicest teacher she ever had. She now have great interest in Math which is to my surprise as she had not appeared to be interested in Maths previously. Her report card showed that she achieved "accomplished" in every category in her Math subject too surprisingly. It shows that having a good teacher is important to cultivate interest in the child's learning.

She is also able to integrate well socially in the school. Except that she was disturbed by one girl in her class who displayed some dismaying behaviour (e.g. showing others her poop, touched other classmates with her saliva and other unhygienic behaviours). She was also disturbed by her student care centre teacher who shouted at and scolded them whenever they misbehaved and she was implicated too.

We tried not to intervene in her school affairs and matters as we believe in letting the child to learn how to cope and manage differences and conflicts. She has to learn her way as we parents cannot always be with them to help them solve the problems. Instead, we make it a habit to listening to her stories in school everyday to let her share and ventilate, providing the emotional support instead.

Recently I got a shock when she told me that one of her boy "friend" from another class asked her to be his girlfriend and she agreed. That little boy I know him too as we used to have family gatherings together and outings as our families are quite closed. I know they are 2 little good and closed friends, but when first hearing this...I was like..."Oh my goodness"! Imagine as a mother when your young daughter only 7 years old told you such things.... But well, even though internally I was shocked and that motherly anxiety arise about the possible problems, but I decided to hold back and instead tell myself that probably they don't even know what does boyfriend and girlfriend means. It could be they are just fond of each other as friends which is quite normal for their age. Therefore, I hold back my anxiety and instead projected a amuse and curious stance to understand how she feels and her thoughts about this "boyfriend / girlfriend" thingy, and keep the conversation open. I think it is important for the child to feel safe and open to share with parents about their issues and that would help the parents to provide the necessary support and guidance for them when needs arise.

Felt more able to cope with the stress and workload nowadays as I'm focusing more in my self-care. Enjoying my studies and learnt a lot for my professional and personal development. I see this year as an opportunity for me to unlearn, learn and relearn. A lot of ideas come into my mind and I shall share if time permits.

Oh well, that's our updates in the past 2 years.