Friday, March 19, 2021

Jewel At Changi Airport

 To Me, jewel is a very nice place, and i love it. So, today I'm going to note down this nice experience at jewel.............So, early in the morning, I took the bus to terminal 1 (I think), and went up the escalator. I saw the sign and went to the vortex. Next, I went to the food court and it was called five spices or something. At first I thought it was a restaurant but it wasn't. Then I went to play. At night, I watched the night vortex show. It was full of glowing lights! It had been an enjoyable day!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Ting Ting development @ 8 years old

It’s been a long while since I last update. Been very busy with my life. However when it comes to my precious little gal, she is always the priority. 

Ting Ting is now 8 years old. How time flies! It seems like yesterday when i just gave birth to her. This blog was started to commemorate the journey of her arrival to our family. It started with us blogging about her when i was expecting her till she was born and her growing up journey through the years. Lo and behold, she is now one of the contributor of the blog and she managed to blog her very first entry by herself!  

She discovered about this blog recently. She was sharing that she wanted to create a time capsule when she grows up next time. It was such a coincidence that she mentioned time capsule which was the same name as this blog. So we shared with her about the existence of this blog and she was so excited and wanted to read it. She got so inspired after reading the blog entries that she asked to be one of the author of this blog too so that she can blog her entry. So yes, this is her first blog entry on her very own Ting Ting time capsule blog! 

I find it meaningful to blog together as a family. Didn’t expect that this day will come so soon. That my little gal can now blog by herself from her own perspective. I shall look forward to read her blog entries 😁. 

The time of the year is here again. It’s her 8th year old birthday! This year we had 2 celebrations again. The 1st birthday celebration was held at my aunt’s house. My aunt and cousin bought her a cake to celebrate her birthday together during CNY as her birthday this year falls during CNY period. They bought her a baby G watch which was so sweet of them. They doted on Ting Ting a lot! 

        The cake from my aunt & cousin.                             They bought her a baby G 
                                                                                           watch for birthday present too 

The 2nd birthday celebration was on her actual birthday. We booked Sofitel Hotel and had a small and intimate birthday celebration with her in the hotel room together with my husband and my mother. We had the staycation for 2 days 1 night. The hotel rooms were spacious, clean and swanky. The rooms came with bathtub which is her favorite as she likes soaking in it.  Personally, I don’t really like soaking in bathtub, but well, since it was her birthday and she wanted it so much, so we tried our best to fulfill her wish. Her daddy even bought her Sumiko Gurashi bath bomb for her to enjoy in her bathtub soak. Sumiko Gurashi is her favorite anime now, so everything evolves around Sumiki Gurashi haha. 

There was nothing much to do in the hotel except for swimming and relax. We enjoyed our stay. The hotel was so nice to prepare a mini birthday cake for her and the cake was yummy! We also bought her her favourite strawberry cake topped with her favorite Sumiko Gurashi figurines. She was so happy as she get to arrange her figurines topping on the cake! Those Sumiko Gurashi figurines were specially ordered and bought by her daddy just for her to decorate her birthday cake. So much love for her 😍.                                                 

The Sofitel hotel room. Very spacious and nice! 

    The bathtub in the hotel room. Her favorite!                   Her Sumiko Gurashi bath bomb

    She had a blast swimming!                         The mini birthday cake from the hotel

    Her strawberry cake decorated with full of her favorite Sumiko Gurashi figurines! She was so ecstatic! 

After we checked out from the hotel, we continued by bringing her to the T-play indoor playground at Home Teams @ Khatib. It is a nice playground and she had so much fun playing and making new friends too! 

    At T-play, she had so much fun! 

We just hope that she have a fun and enjoyable childhood. After all, she is just a little child who loves to play, play and play haha. We may have doted on her a lot and showered her with lots of love, but we are also firm with boundaries when necessary too. We believe in warm, loving yet firm parenting approach.  Seeing her growing up everyday gives us so much joy. We are so blessed to have her in our family and life! With lotsa love from daddy and mummy 💕. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

My first entry

 Hi I'm Ting Ting (the one my mom was talking about). my mum hasn't blogged in a while, though. So, anyway I am P2 now and learned typing. And that's how I got here. So I've read some of my mother's entries and got inspired to make my own entry. 

I made a book about Among Us with my primary school friend and turned out pretty well.😃 We were thinking of making another book. Too bad me and my friend only made 1.😓 We named it The Speedrawers!