Sunday, January 7, 2024

2022-2023 Updates

It's been a long while since I blogged. Been so busy with our life that I lost track of time too. 

Ting Ting development

For the past 2 years, my gal celebrated her birthday differently. We celebrated her birthday at home, inviting her friends to celebrate. She came out with her invite list and activities to engage her friends during her home birthday party. As she is growing up, she likes the autonomy to go out and play with her friends. I think this is something align with her developmental needs and developing her social skills in building friendships too. Of course that is with some limits and boundaries in place such as she has to do her homework and chores first before playing with her friends and be home before dinner and etc. 

She has grown much as well, now same height as me already. She's now wearing the same shoe size as me too! It's such an amazing journey that from a small tiny baby, to grow to becoming like a teenager. She now likes to wear teenage dressing already and no longer likes Disney princesses and any cartoon characters. Her self-identity is slowly evolving and wanting to see herself as a grown up, but then of course her mannerism and thinking is still childlike which is something I appreciate. I would consider her as a young pre-teen. 

While she is still childish in some of her ways, such as throwing tantrums when she don't get what she wants, but generally, she is getting more sensible and able to listen more to reasons. Although struggling with her academics especially Maths, but after much fine-tuning and with extra practice efforts, she has shown good progress and did well for her year end exams for the past 2 years. I've signed her up for group tuition and individual private tuition, but none was suitable for her.  The group tutor was too relax with the class that the students ended up playing and running around during lessons and of course there had been limited progress. The private tutor was too critical that she made some insensitive and hurtful remarks about my gal which I find it harsh and therefore find her unsuitable to continue, as her way of teaching was too old school and could impact to my gal's self-esteem, which is a crucial element to her mental and physical development. Ended up I tutored her myself, setting aside weekend morning time to drill her on her practice. Maths is after all about practice. Initially, it started with Maths and Chinese, thereafter, it included English and Science too. I would make sure a balance between learning and play, so that after the practice, she can go out play with her friends or we go out for family time. 

She also participated in the yearly in house art competition in 2022 & 2023. She has been attending art lessons and her art school organised yearly in house art competition for the students to showcase their art pieces. Although she got the consolation prizes for both years , but it was a good attempt and she is motivated to join the art competition in 2024 again. 

In 2023, she volunteered to be the emcee for her school national day event. Seeing her speak confidently in front of the crowd during the event made me so proud of her. Her teacher texted me after the event praising that she was very calm and steady! Another teacher also wrote her a note praising her of not giving up and showing resilience and determination! 

Travel 2022-2023

At her current stage of life, learning is important and so is play and having fun too. Ever since the covid restrictions removed, we resumed back to travel during school holidays. In 2022, as some of the covid restrictions still in place, we mostly engaged more activities in SG, such as visiting cat cafes, picnic at beach, cycling trips in SG. We travelled to KL in June 2022, Sunway Lagoon, Kidzania, Genting for theme park and strawberry farm and went JB for staycation in Jul22. The KL trip was with much fun and adrenaline with the theme parks visiting! 

In Sep22, we visited Hanoi, taking the Halong Bay cruise and stayed at a special hotel Legacy Yentu at the base of the Yentu Mountain.  The hotel is highly recommended. It has complimentary lessons such as yoga and mindfulness practice. They also have spa and massage services which is top notch and surprisingly not too expensive too. The Vietnam trip was nice and fun too. It was a more relaxing trip and we all enjoyed! Through the trip to Yentu, I started my interest in mindfulness practice. 

My hubby also changed job and while waiting for his new job to commence in Dec22, he went for a family bonding trip with his parents to Chiangmai in Nov22 which looks fun too. It was the first time he brought them for overseas trip. I'm sure my in-laws were very happy with their son's initiative! 

We went Bali after he came back from Chiangmai. We stayed in Kuta and Ubud during the trip. While this is not the first time we went Bali, but I remembered Bali used to memerised us especially during our ROM honeymoon and subsequent trip before our gal was born. Everything was so charming back then. But this time when we went back to Bali after 10 over years and the first time with our gal, I felt the charm faded. The roads were jammed with cars with walking pavement in a dismay state. The infrastructure has not changed after all these years. Probably last time with no child, all these flaws can be overlooked, but now with a child, I would prefer to go to a place which is more clean, more safe with better infrastructure. I felt that Bali has lagged behind in terms of its development. While it still has its laid back feel, but it is no longer attractive to me. Probably after this visit, we may not go to Bali for a very long time. One new thing which my gal and hubby tried was surfing. Yes, they had a private surfing lesson at the kuta beach for 2 hours and at a very affordable price. Surprisingly, my gal able to surf well as compared to my hubby haha. After the lesson, my hubby got aches all over his body, probably a sign of aging too haha. My gal was doing well with no much aches reported. Travelling after all is about having new experiences and trying out something new! 

Overall, 2022 was the restart of our wanderlust. 

In 2023, we travelled to Bintan Club med in May23 and stayed there for 3 nights. We all enjoyed the activities and food over there. Although the prices were expensive, but considering the all-inclusive and high quality of its activities and services, it was very worth it and highly recommended! I got to try out aerial yoga, yoga lessons by my own, while my gal and hubby attended snorkelling lessons. It was great as we got to enjoy the activities we like. It was the first time my hubby and gal tried out snorkelling and they fell in love with it. Besides trying out lessons we liked, we also got to engage in activities as family such as playing golf, archery, squash, tennis, playing pool and etc. My gal liked it so much that she asking to go back to Clubmed again. 

In Jun23, we went to M'sia again for a road trip. We went to JB, visiting dog cafes which was fun. We also went to Desaru, relaxing at the beach, water theme park and the firefly night cruise. Lastly we went to Legoland and the Legoland water park. The road trip was enjoyable, relaxing yet also fun too. 

In Sep23, we went to HK for a 1 week trip which was during the super typhoon Saola period. We were so worried at the start but as we already bought the air tickets long ago, thus to go ahead with it since the airline didn't cancel the flight too. But when we reached HK, surprisingly not much impact from the typhoon. And during the rest of our trips, it was sunny days with no rain. We went to HK Disneyland, ocean park and ocean world, the tram peak and also did some trekking in the HK peak and in Lantau Island. It was quite refreshing that we experienced the nature side of HK. We went HK 10 over years ago before my gal was born and we focused mainly in the HK City area and we didn't enjoy it. But the Sep23 trip was more enjoyable, probably because we focused more on going theme parks and trekking in the nature which was something we enjoyed. The most memorable of this trip was during the last night in HK at about 10pm, it started raining heavily. We didn't thought much at first but the next day morning, we were shocked to see the whole street flooded with waters and cars were submerged into the waters too. Our flight back to SG was in the afternoon, but we thought of quickly going to the airport due to the flood situation and it continued to rain, thus the flood might get worse. The cars, buses and trams all stopped service, but luckily the MTR still operating. Thanks to the hotel staff, we managed to leave the hotel at the back street which was not so affected by the flood. We walked, dragging our luggage in the heavy rain to the MTR station, holding umbrellas and wearing raincoats (luckily I brought the raincoats. Just got some feeling before the trip that I must bring rain coat). When we safely reached the HK airport, we were so relieved. After back in SG, when reading the news, true enough the flood got worse and it was the worse flood in HK history for the past 100 years. We felt so thankful of being able to be back SG safely. It was also an eye opening experience for us to have had experienced the worse flood in HK history. 

In early Nov23, I travelled to HK again but this time with my mom. My mom wanted to watch her idol Jackson Wan (Wan Kwong)'s concert in HK. It was very rare that my mom wanted to travel as usually she dislikes travel and would decline our invite for travel. Thinking that it is a gd opportunity to spend some time with my mom, thus I brought her to HK just me and her alone for 5 days 4 nights. We ate dim sum every day, took harbour cruise high tea, visited the peak, explored lantau island by taking the cable car, took a cruise at the Tai O village and we saw a pink dolphin! Besides her idol's concert, she also attended a cantonese opera concert. Such concerts are common in HK but very rare and seldom in SG. I accompanied her to the Wan Kwong's concert. She enjoyed the concert whereas for me, it was an experience although Wan Kwong's songs are not my cup of tea. While she attended the cantonese opera concert, I went to HK Palace Museum to attend the Sanxingdui exhibition. It was my interest and i got to have a taste of some solo travel overseas. It was a much relaxing trip as compared to the Sep23 one. I enjoyed the time we spent together. It was also during this trip i realised my mom's mobility issues got worse through the years. Thus probably in the next trip with her, it be better to have something even more relaxing with less walking. 

After my HK trip, we went to Indonesia Bintan again in mid Nov23 to celebrate my hubby's birthday. This time we stayed at the Doulos Phos ship hotel. The hotel is very special as it was a real ship with rich historical meaning being refurnished into a hotel. We attended the tour conducted by the owner of the hotel and we were so fascinated by the history of the ship and the owner's determination and perseverance in setting up the ship as a hotel and the difficulties and challenges he faced in moving the ship to Bintan too. I was touched by his sharing of externalisation internalisation which means "using what has been placed in our hands to achieve what has been placed in our hearts". I was tearing as I heard this as it resonated with me much. Each of us are being born to this world with different  circumstances such as our family of origins, environment and being given different resources. However, we can tap on what we are being given to pursue or realise our innate gifts/strengths/talents to ultimately achieve our potential. It reminded me of the love of God. We each have our journey to go through to get to learn more about ourselves, our connection to others and the meaning of our life too with God's guidance if we allow. We mostly swim and relax at the hotel enjoying its great sea view. My gal and hubby went snorkelling day trip too, and I get to spend some "me time" in the hotel having massage and also some journalling as well. It was a much rested trip nourishing my soul. 

In Dec23, we went to Taiwan again together with my gal and hubby. Its been quite some time since we went Taiwan. We tried out something different this time. We took HSR to Tainan and rented a car to self-drive around southern Taiwan. The Tainan HSR area was very quiet and with not many cars so it is ideal for driving considering we are not so familiar with driving on the right side. Self-drive in Taiwan was a fun experience with more freedom and flexibility as compared to hire driver. We drove from Tainan HSR to Maolin national park area to see the purple butterfly migration as they tend to migrate to that area during winter period and nobody knows why till this date too. It was amazing to see the herds of butterly at the valley and we also got to do some trekking as well. After Maolin, we drove to Kenting. we stayed in Kenting for 3 nights and it was a very relaxing beach resort town, with fantastic scenery. we also did trekking at the Kenting national park which was very nice and easy trek too. After Kenting, we drove back to Tainan and took HSR to Taipei. We went to the Beitou hot spring as a day trip and it was a nice experience and shiok to enjoy the hot spring with the cold weather. Overall the Taiwan trip was great with a mixture of different new experiences. 

2023 has been a year of new experiences and connection for me. The new experiences reminded of my spiritual beliefs and also gratitude for the opportunities and safety. I look forward to more new meaningful experiences in 2024 allowing us to grow and learn together! 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Update - 2020 to present

Its been a long time since I last blogged about the update. While 2020 was a tumultuous year with the covid virus, however, it was an enriching year for me. I've learnt more about myself, reviving my childhood interests and confronting my deep seated phobia....

Ting Ting development 

Oh well, she grew so much. She can now hold conversations with us, sharing her views and ideas. She loves to read and her favourite book series is Demon Slayer now. Her previous favourite collections are Dogman, Dork Diaries and Captain Underpants. She also loves to play Minecraft. We allowed her to play 1 hr per day after she completed her homework, housework (e.g. such as watering plants, tiding up her room, folding clothes, making the bed and etc) and other tasks. We use family link app to control her usage. 

Although I am against her playing such mobile games and exposing to mobile gadgets, but I am quite resigned to the fate that it is now the social media and gaming era. Therefore, it is inevitable to get expose or access to the mobile gadgets. Even in school, they are doing online learning already. In fact, through her interest in playing Minecraft, we can also use this as a motivating factor to getting her to do her homework and daily tasks too. 

She can really play Minecraft very well and build her own mansion, farms, treehouse and even trains in her world. I tried to download the game app and played with her also, but somehow, I just can't get it.  It is interesting to see what she built and why she built those things. She is also into Among Us game which I did not allow her to play as that game values (sabotage, imposter, killing each other and etc) do not align with our family values. I don't want her to get expose to such games which do not inculcate good values. Therefore, I have firmly resisted her plead to download the Among Us game. She can only talk about the game with her friends in school as most of them had played the game before. For Minecraft, I am quite ok with it as it promotes her creativity and her interest in designing too. Therefore, that is the only game approved so far. 

As she likes to draw, we had signed her up for art lessons which is nearby our house. She also likes Akkido, so we signed her up for Akkido lessons too. Recently, she started attending the public speaking course which she loves it too as she likes the teacher who is quite an interesting figure who knows very well how to engage the children with excellent communication skills. Knowing how to communicate and speak well is important in this era. These are soft skills which may not be taught in school. 

The only lesson she dislikes is Chinese tuition. So her goal was to get herself out of the Chinese tuition by doing well in her 听写。We had withdrawn her from the Chinese tuition recently as she showed improvement in her Chinese 听写 and school test results. However, it was also made known to her that if she slacks again, we will enroll her back into the Chinese tuition. Hopefully, that will serves as a motivation for her to continue putting in effort to learn her Chinese. So yup, she is now attending 3 enrichment lessons which she likes. Her English and maths are still manageable, so no need tuition yet for now. I believe in grooming my child in her areas of interests but at the same time, balance between the essential. 

She likes to make friends and managed to have some good friends in her class whom she can connect with. They even form a group called "Speeddrawers" which they draw comic books about funny stuff. I am quite happy with her development. She throw lesser tantrums nowadays and more receptive to try out new things.  


Work wise is the same. Busy as ever, but I'm getting better in managing my work stress I think. Despite the heavy workload, but still feeling ok without too overwhelmed. I guess attending the personal development and resiliency (self care) course for my Masters helps me to look into alternatives in managing my stress. 


I managed to complete and passed my Masters programme in Dec2020! It’s been a long journey for me and I'm thankful to get the chance to attend it. The good thing was I could choose the modules which I like. So studying something I'm interested in and like, do make a difference. I managed to get quite good results which I am feeling thankful and satisfied too. It may not be the best or top results, but it was good enough for me. 

Pursuing Interests

Through attending the masters course, i realised that doing something I like do make a difference. The lecturer of the self-care module inspired me so much that I decided to take up something new - art. All along, I thought i have 0 interest in arts. Since young, my art and craft grade was not good too. Through part of my self-awareness efforts, I realised that actually I've been liking art and design since maybe during kindergarten age? I remembered I designed a tube dress and it was selected by my kindergarten teacher who praised me in front of the class that she liked my design the most. I even designed my own paper dolls and their clothings when I had not many toys to play with during my childhood. 

I started losing interest in art during my primary school times. Somehow, the thought of "art is not important" and "your art is mediocre" was ingrained into my mind. I don't know how it came about too. So slowly, I lose interest in arts. However, i realised that I was never giving it up. I designed our house renovation using some programme previously and showed it to our contractor to help with the reno despite not having any knowledge about art and design. In my work, I also like to think about designing subconsciously. 

So I decided to sign up for art lessons at the community centre nearby my house and started since January 2021. My art teacher asked me why did I joined the lesson. I told her I am interested to learn art and she looked unbelievable that a middle age woman like me, suddenly wanted to learn art. Although I have total 0 experience, but i enjoyed the times when I was drawing and colouring my art work. That feeling was so much in the "flow state", which means, time passes so fast without realise and in a zone of total focus. The feeling was just so good. If I got the time, I may share some of my drawings too. 

The next interest I wish to pursue will be music. I always wanted to learn playing piano since young. But I'm taking one step at a time for now. I shall focus on my art lessons first. Once I am comfortable with my learning pace, and if I have enough bandwidth, I may take up music lessons too. 

Confronting phobia 

As part of my self-awareness and reflection journey, I realised that the fear of swimming was incurred due to a traumatic incident (in my opinion) during my childhood. I was learning how to swim during my primary school swimming lessons. That incident I clearly remembered was when I hesitated to submerge my head into the waters, the instructor suddenly pushed my head into the waters giving me a shock of my life. He might have thought he was helping me to accelerate the learning process, but that seriously traumatised me. That feeling of not able to have any control of my will, and someone forced upon my head that I almost suffocated caused me much trauma I think. So much so that after that incident, i decided to withdraw from the swimming lesson and have phobia of swimming till now. 

I recalled before the incident, I also had a near death incident while swimming. I was almost drowned when I was swimming as my swimming ring came off that day if not remembered wrongly. Someone grabbed my hand and saved me. I remembered I was feeling terrified but that incident did not really traumatised me as much, as after that, I still continue to swim and even proceed to want to learn swimming. Upon reflection, I guess that the earlier almost drowning incident was due to accident, however what that instructor did was against my will and he did it unpredictably. This is quite an interesting issue for me. I wondered why some people may have experienced something similar, but it may not affect them so much. Perhaps I ought to learn more about trauma. 

Anyway, I decided to confront my phobia and face my deepest fear by taking up private swimming lessons together with my gal. As she likes swimming and also trying to learn swimming, so I thought it be good if both of us can learn together. I know I am a noob in swimming with much phobia, so taking group lessons will not be helpful for me. Thus private lessons is the way to go as it can benefit my gal too. It may be more expensive, but if it helps my gal to be able to learn swimming and I am able to overcome my lifelong phobia, it will be worth it. However, the private lessons had to halt due to the covid heighten alert measures and so most likely we can only resume the swimming lessons after the measures relieve which may take a long time. Anyway, I only started the lessons for 1 month plus before it halted. I can now swim with a swimming board, which is a good progress I think. But I'm not sure if I could eventually overcome my fears of swimming without the board. I got to keep trying I guess. 

My gal managed to swim without the board after 1 or 2 lessons. She is such a fast learner! She was happily swimming while trying to encourage and teaching me how to swim during the swimming lessons. It can be quite embarrassing for a 8 year old child to encourage/teach her mummy and not the other way round haha. But well, I accept my vulnerability and nothing to be ashamed about. I hope to be a role model to my gal too that it is ok to be not good in something, but at least I'm trying and learning to improve. 

Pursuing environmental friendly methods / low waste

I have been quite passionate about environmental concerns and climate change since my young age. I realised that all along, I have been quite reserved in my belief and kept to myself only. Upon experiencing covid-19 pandemic, it reinforced my belief that we human beings are destroying earth and if we don't take action now, our children will have to pay back for our deeds someday. Thus it affirmed my goal and mission of being environmentally conscious and taking action in whatever small capacity I have. Some of the things which I have done included: 

  • Switching electricity subscription to Sun Seap 100% solar power. 
The plan may be slightly more expensive, but well, my house is now 100% solar powered.    
  • Making enzymes with fruit waste/skins 
I used the enzymes as dish washing detergent, cleaning toilet, facial cleanser, fertilizer and insect repellent for my plants too.  
The enzymes are environmentally friendly and most importantly, it cleans very well without leaving much residues. Furthermore, I used lesser water to wash the dishes as it is not soapy. 
I grind the enzyme fruit skins remains after the fermentation process into very fine paste as my facial cleanser. It has good texture and quite good effects on my skin so far. 
  • DIY facial products 
Did up my own concoction of facial oil to replace my commercially produce moisturizer. 
I used the facial oil after my cleansing process. The facial oil is a combination of essential oils concoction such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, argan oil, lavender oil, tee tree oil and many others. 
    • Some of these essential carrier oils such as coconut oil, jojoba oil and castor oil I can get it from zero waste shop like scoop to save on the packaging. Others essential oil I can use it for a very long time as it is only required for a few drops for each batch of concoction which lasted for 2-3 months for each batch. For instance, I bought a bottle of lavender oil many years ago but only used up half of it so far. Can still use for many more years.  
    • The facial oil I made is not greasy and blend well with my skin. Not only it improves my skin quality, it helps with sun screen as well as I put in carrot seed oil and coconut oil which have natural sun screen qualities. It also helps with insect bites as I put in small doses of tea tree oil and neem oil. 
    • A disclaimer that these essential oils must be mix with carrier oil with a good proportion as the oil usage by itself can be very strong and may have side effects. 
    • I did some research to fine tune my concoction and so far, I'm quite happy with my current batch of concoction formula. 
  • Step up efforts in BYO (bring your own). 
    • I will try to bring own utensils,  cup, eco-friendly reusable food pack, grocery bag and etc when eating out or buying stuff to reduce disposable. It can be tough as the BYO culture is still not prevalent in Singapore. So when I tried to use my own things, people will look at me strangely. While it didn't really bother me, but sometimes, it can be embarrassing. 
    • Also,  sometimes I forgot to bring out my BYO and ended up having to buy things with the plastic carriers and stuff which makes me feel bad about myself too. 
    • Anyway, I tell myself to remember bringing next time and to keep trying until this BYO lifestyle is fully ingrained in me. It can be tough but got to keep trying. 
  • Joined an environmental interest group as a volunteer
    • As part of the interest group volunteer assignment task, I had wrote one article about overconsumption and its impact to earth. Felt so liberating to be able to write something I strongly believe in. 
    • However, this environmental interest group seemed to die off after the tasks completion. 
    • Therefore, I felt this environmental interest group seemed to be form due to the task assignment given. They did not really introduce the group members and organise regular getting together to discuss ways to advocate environmental friendly measures. 
    • Therefore, I felt disappointed as I hope to interact more with like minded people. 
    • But I guess this experience shall not deters me from joining other more suitable groups which I hope I can get to meet people who have similar beliefs and have more enlightened low-waste lifestyle which I can learn from them too.    
  • Try out vegetarian diet
    • I have tried out eating vegetarian meal about 2-3 days a week since a few months ago. I still cannot fully go vegetarian as I admit that I still like to eat meat. 
    • I replaced some of the meat intake with Quorn products. So far their plant based meat products are the tastier I think. My gal like the Quorn chicken nuggets which tasted very close to chicken. So I think if they can come out with more tastier plant based meat options, I will definitely make a switch to them. 
  • Using reusable sanitary pads.
    • I tried to use the menstrual cup but it was really uncomfortable. So I decided to use the cloth sanitary pads which is much easier but the cleaning up needs some get used to. 
    • I'm pleased to say that I am quite used to it already and been using it for the past 1 year. I have totally stopped buying disposable sanitary pads too for the past 1 year. 
    • I think in this aspect, I have successfully make a switch to low waste. These cloth sanitary pads may last for many years if we take good care of it. In this process, we can cut down on using disposable pads every month. If more ladies can cut down on using disposable pads, it can reduce production, consumption and harmful waste to the environment with multiplier effects to help the environment too.  
  • Low waste purchase
    • I like to go "zero" waste shops such as Unpackt, Scoop and The Source Bulk Food to buy some of my groceries and toiletries such as cereal, cooking oil, soy sauce, shampoo, washing detergent, essential oils and many others during my “me time”. It’s part of my self care routine.
    • It feels good to buy stuff bringing my own containers to save on the packaging. Hope to have more of these shops near my house. If I got time, I may review the differences between the 3 shops.  
    • Although I like to visit these shops, but I am skeptical about the term "zero" waste. In reality, it is very tough to achieve zero waste even in these zero waste shops. For instance, Scoop giving out biodegradable gloves to shoppers going into their shops, but it still contribute to waste although it is termed biodegradable. 
    • So I preferred to call it low waste and this is my goal to adopt low waste lifestyle. 

There are some more things I hope to try out such as: 

  • Becoming a vegan
    • Yes, becoming a vegan may be the way to go to further reduce my carbon footprint on earth. 
    • It is a tough journey for me as I’m so used to eating meat and dairy products. But I have started making small steps such as having vegetarian days about twice a week. Slowly I shall transit to having more vegetarian days and eventually hopefully become a vegan.
    • I had also look into my dairy eating habits and try out making plant based milk too such as cashew milk. It tasted not bad, but I'm too busy to make it a routine to make the milk regularly. 
    • I need to think of a better way to make it easier to inculcate into my routine and lifestyle. 
  • Achieving a low waste lifestyle eventually. 
    • Meaning very minimal disposable stuff (perhaps the target of 1 bag of rubbish per week and eventually 1 bag of rubbish per month or per bi-yearly or per year something like that). 
    • This is the hardest goal I think even for 1 bag of rubbish per week. Very hard as we are all too used to the conveniences in our life which are all disposables (e.g. tissues, toilet paper, plastic bags and etc). 
    • Although this is tough, but have to continue to find ways to fine tune my lifestyle. I think I'm quite committed to this belief. 
  • Creating youtube channel/tik tok/blog to help share the low waste living lifestyle if possible. 
    • If I can master low waste living life style and able to sustain it, I would like to share it with others. Hopefully more people who are also pondering in this can join this lifestyle or come out with more creative ideas to share to reducing waste to help our earth too. 
    • I'm not sure how to go about doing it, but this is something I'm interested to try out. 

There are so many things I like to do and try out. I think I have evolved into my next phrase of my life to pursue my passion, interest and develop my spiritual self. Material things no longer interest me. I think I may be progressing to the stage of self actualisation. It is a constant learning and fulfilment process. I’m thankful for what I have 🙏🏻

Friday, May 21, 2021

My Favorite Things

 My favorite things are: 1. singing (I sing so loud that it may rupture your ears).

2. Dancing.( I like doing the floss)


3. Swimming. ( Frog style)

4. Exploring nature. (Well, except the park)

5. Reading. ( Dork Diaries, Dog Man, Captain Underpants) 

6. mobile games.( Minecraft)

Saturday, April 17, 2021

My Butterfly Expirience

 Okay, it's been 1 month (or so I think) since I blogged. Homework has been adding up, and I DREAD doing homework. Anyway, today and yesterday shall go down in history as ''Butterfly day''. Why? because my class realeased 1 butterfly and 2 today and yesterday, and I named them hercules, joy and lucky. Their names also represent their personality or should I say butternality? Yeah. something like that. But I know that they are going to fly away anytime soon without any of us noticing. But i'm not telling their butternality yet. Because who knows that butterflies one day in the mere futrer become independent and make their own computers? I don't know, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

Friday, March 19, 2021

Jewel At Changi Airport

 To Me, jewel is a very nice place, and i love it. So, today I'm going to note down this nice experience at jewel.............So, early in the morning, I took the bus to terminal 1 (I think), and went up the escalator. I saw the sign and went to the vortex. Next, I went to the food court and it was called five spices or something. At first I thought it was a restaurant but it wasn't. Then I went to play. At night, I watched the night vortex show. It was full of glowing lights! It had been an enjoyable day!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Ting Ting development @ 8 years old

It’s been a long while since I last update. Been very busy with my life. However when it comes to my precious little gal, she is always the priority. 

Ting Ting is now 8 years old. How time flies! It seems like yesterday when i just gave birth to her. This blog was started to commemorate the journey of her arrival to our family. It started with us blogging about her when i was expecting her till she was born and her growing up journey through the years. Lo and behold, she is now one of the contributor of the blog and she managed to blog her very first entry by herself!  

She discovered about this blog recently. She was sharing that she wanted to create a time capsule when she grows up next time. It was such a coincidence that she mentioned time capsule which was the same name as this blog. So we shared with her about the existence of this blog and she was so excited and wanted to read it. She got so inspired after reading the blog entries that she asked to be one of the author of this blog too so that she can blog her entry. So yes, this is her first blog entry on her very own Ting Ting time capsule blog! 

I find it meaningful to blog together as a family. Didn’t expect that this day will come so soon. That my little gal can now blog by herself from her own perspective. I shall look forward to read her blog entries 😁. 

The time of the year is here again. It’s her 8th year old birthday! This year we had 2 celebrations again. The 1st birthday celebration was held at my aunt’s house. My aunt and cousin bought her a cake to celebrate her birthday together during CNY as her birthday this year falls during CNY period. They bought her a baby G watch which was so sweet of them. They doted on Ting Ting a lot! 

        The cake from my aunt & cousin.                             They bought her a baby G 
                                                                                           watch for birthday present too 

The 2nd birthday celebration was on her actual birthday. We booked Sofitel Hotel and had a small and intimate birthday celebration with her in the hotel room together with my husband and my mother. We had the staycation for 2 days 1 night. The hotel rooms were spacious, clean and swanky. The rooms came with bathtub which is her favorite as she likes soaking in it.  Personally, I don’t really like soaking in bathtub, but well, since it was her birthday and she wanted it so much, so we tried our best to fulfill her wish. Her daddy even bought her Sumiko Gurashi bath bomb for her to enjoy in her bathtub soak. Sumiko Gurashi is her favorite anime now, so everything evolves around Sumiki Gurashi haha. 

There was nothing much to do in the hotel except for swimming and relax. We enjoyed our stay. The hotel was so nice to prepare a mini birthday cake for her and the cake was yummy! We also bought her her favourite strawberry cake topped with her favorite Sumiko Gurashi figurines. She was so happy as she get to arrange her figurines topping on the cake! Those Sumiko Gurashi figurines were specially ordered and bought by her daddy just for her to decorate her birthday cake. So much love for her 😍.                                                 

The Sofitel hotel room. Very spacious and nice! 

    The bathtub in the hotel room. Her favorite!                   Her Sumiko Gurashi bath bomb

    She had a blast swimming!                         The mini birthday cake from the hotel

    Her strawberry cake decorated with full of her favorite Sumiko Gurashi figurines! She was so ecstatic! 

After we checked out from the hotel, we continued by bringing her to the T-play indoor playground at Home Teams @ Khatib. It is a nice playground and she had so much fun playing and making new friends too! 

    At T-play, she had so much fun! 

We just hope that she have a fun and enjoyable childhood. After all, she is just a little child who loves to play, play and play haha. We may have doted on her a lot and showered her with lots of love, but we are also firm with boundaries when necessary too. We believe in warm, loving yet firm parenting approach.  Seeing her growing up everyday gives us so much joy. We are so blessed to have her in our family and life! With lotsa love from daddy and mummy 💕. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

My first entry

 Hi I'm Ting Ting (the one my mom was talking about). my mum hasn't blogged in a while, though. So, anyway I am P2 now and learned typing. And that's how I got here. So I've read some of my mother's entries and got inspired to make my own entry. 

I made a book about Among Us with my primary school friend and turned out pretty well.😃 We were thinking of making another book. Too bad me and my friend only made 1.😓 We named it The Speedrawers!