Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The journey begins....

I still remember the first time, 11 months ago, when the doctor announced I'm pregnant, we were filled with surprise and joy. It was amazing to know a new life come to our family soon after waiting for so long. 

The baby came to us amazingly too. We were trying for a baby for quite a while but no news at all. We went to see a doctor and went through checkup and tests if we were ok. I still remember that fateful day, we were supposed to see the doctor for the results of our tests. The doctor told us that we were both fine and nothing wrong but of course IVF may be an option if still can't conceived. 

I told the doctor I missed my period for a few days. In fact when I missed it for the 2nd day, I suspected that I was pregnant as mine always come promptly and I felt something different this time too. When I used the pregnancy test kit, the results, however was negative. I was disappointed. 

When we went down to see the doctor for the test results around 2-3 days later, don't know why, I just had this premonition that something was not right although it was negative, thus I told the doctor about it. Immediately he asked me to do the pregnancy test again.The results was positive this time! I guess the first time when I did the test, it was too early to detect the pregnancy. But well, it came at the right time and right place! Just when we thought of going through the pain of IVF, the baby came to us!  

When we broke the news to our parents, they were overjoyed too. I guess they must be waiting for a very long time to be grandparents too although they did not pressure us. 

I just so overwhelmed with this thought that a little life is inside me. The thought that I am going to be a mother makes me feel strange. We have been carefree for so long and I was not particularly fond of kids. However sometimes, need to take the plunge and go for it although that would means we have to give up our carefree lifestyle - no more traveling (for a very long time) and lazed around. But well it is worth it. 

Thus our journey for our little Patootie begins.... 

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