Saturday, July 6, 2013

Baby Drops...All sorts of baby drops

Came across the article: The US CDC recommends Vitamin D supplementation for babies who are exclusively breast fed:

Although we live in tropical Singapore where people are trying to get *away* from the sun rather than in it, it seems unnecessary.

However given that DD stay indoors most of the time and given her usual clothing, I think it may be necessary.

In any case, a friend of J's recommended Appeton multivitamin drops:

Which contains L-Lysine, which is supposed to help babies with fighting viral infections...and with all the different variants of flu, cold and what not everywhere, it may be a good idea to go for this. It also contains 100% FDA requirement for vitamin D, at 400IUs.

We tested it on DD and initially she made faces at its taste. Subsequent inclusion in her regular breast milk doesn't seem to make a difference so we may stick with this.

However, just to be on the safe side should she be a fussy eater, I also ordered this:

The good thing about this is that it only requires a single drop per day. So rejection isn't likely to occur.

Another baby drop which was prescribed by our Pediatrician was BioGaia's Probiotic drops:

This was supposed to help with DD's colic which might had been caused by excessive stomach wind. We used this in conjunction with RidWind Simethicone drops (introduced earlier) and it seems to do the trick in calming our DD. However, it is rather expensive. Amazon's cost for this is more than double that of what we are paying at our already exorbitant PD clinic, so I do not know any better. Fortunately we can utilize the baby bonus for this at the clinic so it somewhat helps.

Another product which I am interested in is this:

It includes vitamin A and D3, with DHA comprising of a high 408mg per 4ml serving. Although J is already on a DHA supplemented diet via molecular distilled omega 3 and prenatal milk powder. I suppose a rotation of the multivitamin drops with this wouldn't hurt. Reasons why DHA is important for babies:

So a good level of DHA would definitely help DD.

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