Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Shichida Review Part 2

I had attended the Shichida lesson for almost 2 months at Junction 10 centre (Check out my first review). Well, I have mixed feelings about the lessons.

BB had attended once when I was sick and he don't have any good comments about the Shichida lesson. I shall not share his views and comments here as it's better he share it himself in the blog if he wants to.

Here's my part 2 review.

The good

  1. Development progress
    Little gal showed some progress on memory linking but results not consistent. She seems to develop very fast during these 2 months in terms of recognising things and increasing her vocabulary. But not sure if this is part of the growing development phrase or due to Shichida.
  2. New ways of learning & teaching the child
    I got to expose to different types of learning/teaching the child to develop right brain. A lot of tools were used during the class to keep the child stimulated and interested (except for the flash card). 

The bad

  1. Pace of lesson too fast
    I still think the pace of the lesson is too fast. Each activity took about 1-2mins and the child just barely touch the tool given and have to return it and go for the next activity.

    I'm not sure if the child able to absorb it and is effective. Therefore it relied a lot on home teaching. To be honest, I also forgotten some of the tactics after the class as things are done too fast.
  2. Flash card session
    The flash card session really was done in a flash. The cards were flashed so fast that it seems to be rushing it through with no engagement with the kids. It was the most boring activity and the kids in the class were losing attention, fidgeting or climbing around.

    If the purpose of flashing the cards is to stimulate the right brain, I'm not sure if it is effective as it does not capture the kids attention and if it was done in the correct way.
  3. Little gal doesn't seems to like attending the class
    In the recent lessons, she cried when going into the classroom. Previously she was running into the classroom and saying hi to everyone.

Next month, we will be transferring to another centre near to our house. It was a great relieve, the travelling to J10 was really a nightmare. I regretted signing up the lesson at J10. I should have waited for the enrollment in Oct14 with the centre near my house. Oh well, when it matters to the child, I become irrational. 

I still have another 3 months to go for the classes. I don't wish to have any verdict yet. I hope to try out at the other centre if it is better. 

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