Friday, July 11, 2014

First kiss

I will always remember this day on 8 July 2014 night, my little gal kissed me on my lip. It was such a sweet little first kiss.

I was leaning over her playpen singing lullaby and trying to get her to sleep. As usual, I asked her to give me a good nite kiss which she would usually turn her head away and ignored me. I asked for it every day thinking maybe one day she will kiss her mommy. She would kissed her doggie soft toy but not me lolx.

On that special nite, she tiptoed on her little toes and kissed me on my lips. It was the first time she kissed me and my heart immediately melted away. She's such a darling.

Ever since I stayed at home to take care of her, our bonding improved tremendously. All these small little things really warmed my heart. It was worth it.

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