Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Martian

I just watched the movie The Martian and such space exploration movies are my favourite.

It's talking about a botanist on a Mars mission got abandoned by his team mates as they thought he was dead. However he managed to survive and found ways to survive on Mars alone while waiting for help.

It was quite an interesting topic. It's a bit like Castaway except that the environment is an alien planet.  Seriously I think Hollywood over these few years had started to develop really good and thought provoking movies like Interstellar and The Martian. The movie makers actually collaborated with Nasa to try to make movies closer to the reality of the space travel concept and technology.

The acting is superb especially Matt Damon. While the movie promote positivism and optimistic views of the never give up and helping one another spirit, but in reality, I am skeptical. Anyway this is a movie which is supposed to be entertaining.

Planting potatoes and making water on an alien planet seems far fetch idea, but it looks convincing in the movie. After watching it, I am quite inspired and some thoughts came to my mind.

Recently movies like Interstellar and The Martian are sending out messages that someday humans may need to migrate to other planets as Earth is dying. Yes, I believe that our mother Earth is dying as long as human beings continue our plundering acts. I believe that the resources on earth will run out someday.

Mars logically is one of the targeted planet since it is near to Earth. The Nasa released of the recent news of finding water on Mars had such an impeccable timing which raised the publicity of this new movie.

The thought of space travel intrigued me since young. I still remember many years ago during my junior college time, I wrote a GP paper about the gullies and canyon found on Mars which implied there's a possibility of water on Mars. Unfortunately I got a C or D for that paper if I remembered correctly. One of my bucket list is to be able to travel to space and see the earth. I think commercial space travel may be possible during my lifetime. I hope the space travel tickets will be affordable by then.

In conclusion, The Martian is a good movie. It is 2hours and 20mins long but I don't feel draggy. It is worth your pop corn money. But compared to Interstellar, I still think Interstellar is more superior in terms of the story, the directing, the emotions and the characters development.

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