Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ting Ting development updates @ 33 months

It's been a while I updated this blog. Been so busy with everyday life. But when I read back the previous development milestones blogged, I realised that we came such a long way and it be a great pity if I don't record it.

My gal is @ 33 months now. She developed so fast till I lost track too.

She's officially a scoot racer! 

1) Speech
She can now speaks in complete sentences, knows how to associate and link things together. For example, when she saw a lily pad in a pond, she would ask "Where's the frog on the lily pad?"

2) Jigsaw Puzzles
She love jigsaw puzzles. She can now complete a jigsaw puzzle of 28 pieces by herself. Every time she completed a jigsaw puzzle, she would look at me and beam, waiting for me to praise her. That expression on her face was priceless :)

3) Blocks building
She loved to play blocks and build house. Just this morning, she managed to build a house with a slide using 30+ pieces of blocks by herself. 

4) Pretend & Role Play
She loved playing pretend play with us and with her soft toys, pretending to ride a train, a car, a plane, cooing her toys to sleep and wake up. She also loved playing selling and buying ice cream with her play mates. 

Just yesterday, she was playing the ice cream game with me. When I asked her for an ice-cream, she asked me "Money please.". When I asked her "how much?", she said "nineteen dollars!" lolx. 

5) Plasticine
She loved plasticine too. She enjoyed making all sorts of things like cakes, noodles and even Christmas tree with her plasticine. 

6) Drawing and colouring
She loved using her coloured pencils and draw all over the papers, books and basically anywhere which she puts her sight on. That includes our walls, floor, cupboards and everywhere in the house. Her daddy was so proud of her drawing on the wall and see this as a form of creativity. But I rolled eyes cos that means cleaning up will be so messy! Anyway, I reinforced to her not to draw on the walls, table and even the floor, she can only draw on papers on drawing books. 

Just a few days ago, she drew her first drawing. This was the first time she drew something. When I asked her what is it, she said "Monsters!". When I asked her how many monsters she drew. She said "3!".

Her first drawing - Monsters! 
She also tried to colour within the lines in her colouring book instead of colouring all over the places.

7) Matching shadows
She can match all the animal picture shadows and put into a box after she completed the matching. She can do this exercise pretty fast.

8) Counting
She can count 1-20 and sometimes beyond 20 depending on her mood. But I can see that counting is not her forte as sometimes she tend to count wrongly or show no interest in counting when I played counting games with her. This is one area I need to work on but with a delicate touch as I don't wish her to resent counting in future.

9) Reading
She loved reading. This is one activity which we do everyday. Reading books before her night time sleep is a routine which we enjoyed. She will sit on my lap and we will cuddle together to read books together. She loved to read Dora the Explorer and Peppa Pig. Sometimes Thomas the Train or some other books we get to borrow from the library.

We will go to the library almost every week to borrow books as we completed reading the books pretty fast. This is one area which I hope we can continue to do together as she growing up.

10) Creative shapes/blocks
She likes to put blocks of different shapes together to create objects. For e.g. putting 2 squares to form a rectangle, 2 triangles to form a diamond shape. She can put the shapes together to form a Christmas tree and many others. But of course with some guidance and help from me ;)

11) Musical instrument
She can play some piano but still at the crashing stage. So far she spoilt the drums and the toy piano barely survived. But she can play the trumpet pretty well. She can blow the toy trumpet making some loud sound (not music :)). So far she did not display any keen interest in playing music. Some of my friends started to introduce music learning for their kids at a very young age. But for me, I will only send her to music lessons if she do display some interest.

12) Singing
She loved singing and can sing quite well. She can now sing many songs like baa baa black sheep, wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, ten little animals which she likes to replace lyrics to change the song and many others. She also like to sing our national anthem Majulah Singapura and was beaming with pride whenever she sings it. I think she can now sing about 20 songs or more in full. Surprisingly she can sing according to tune.

13) Motor skills
She can now climb up and down the stairs by herself holding on the side rails. She can scoots well too. Now we have upgraded her from scooting at the playground downstairs to scooting freely at the park. Last weekend, when we went to Punggol Waterway, she managed to scoot for quite a distance I think about 1-2km while we rode on our bicycles following her.

As she showed keen interest in riding bicycle, so we bought her a kid bicycle recently too. Hopefully she will be able to ride on it smoothly and we can go riding together :)

14) Cup drinking
We have successfully migrated her from bottle to cup drinking from 30 months onwards. So she no longer drink from bottles now :)

15) Potty trained
Well, she is not potty trained yet, sad to say. She managed to use the potty once or twice but later on continue using diaper. This is one area which I need to work very hard on :(

16) Colours
She know almost all the colours and can associate colours with the food she eat. For example when she used a brown colour block to make me an ice cream she would tell me it is chocolate favour. 

17) Alpabets
She can recite from A to Z and identify items associated with alphabets. She can sing the alphabet song well too. 

18) Feeding
She will feed by herself when she is hungry. But once she is about 50% full, she will move and play around and only eat if I feed her. Previously I only took about 30 minutes to feed her but now it becomes one hour or more. So feeding time can be a chore.

She is not choosy in food so far. But she began to prefer certain food over others. For instance she will point at vegetables and said 'not nice!' and refused to eat. I rotated the vegetables selection almost every day and cook in different ways so as to encourage her to be receptive to eat vegetables. This is something I insisted. She got to eat whatever I cook and no choosing. She must learn to eat vegetables for her well being. 

I witnessed some parents tend to feed their children only meat or things they like to eat. So when they grow up they don't know how to eat vegetables and fruits which is very unhealthy for them. 

19) Oposites
She is quite good in identifying most of the opposites. She knows opposites like big small, tall short, high low, young old, day night and many more. 

20) Feelings
She can identify feelings and can relate and express them. For instance, she will make different facial expressions when I asked her what is happy, sad, angry, surprise and etc.

21) Dressing
She can wear socks and shoes by herself without any help now. She is still struggling to learn how to wear clothes but she is able to pull down her bottoms for now.

Watching her growing up everyday makes me happy and contended. I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to spend more time playing, bonding and learning with her. It is an enriching process. 

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