Thursday, May 19, 2016

Ting Ting development @ 39months

At 39 months, she is now able to do the following: 

1) Alphabets & Phonetics
She can read and understand all alphabets from A-Z already. She can also make the sound of the alphabets from A-H and slowly progressing to the rest. For the phonetics part, I played the phonetics video for her to learn the sound of different letters and currently her playgroup is also teaching some simple phonetics from A-H also. They will teach one alphabet every week. 

2) Writing Alphabets
I started to teach my gal writing alphabets by practicing on those workbooks which I bought. So far she is now able to write some of the letters by herself like A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, O, Q, T, U, V, X and Z. She still not able to write some of the letters like K, M, N, P, R, S, W yet. 

G was the alphabet which she took quite some time to learn. She would always stop at G but few days ago, she surprised me by writing G on her writing pad by herself! For a start, I think she wrote quite well! 

She surprised me many times by suddenly showing the understanding for certain things which I taught her previously. She might look distracted sometimes when I taught her which lead me to think she not ready yet. But a few days or weeks or months later, she would suddenly do or say or apply the things which I taught her previously. The writing of G is a good example. The learning of all the planets in the solar system is also another example and learning how to ride a bicycle and many others too. 

This lead me to remember what the classes in Shichida had taught previously. Never underestimate your child. If at first the child don't seems to get it, it's ok. Their brain may be taking time to digest. Therefore what I try to do is if she start to show some resistance, I will stop first and proceed to the next activity. The idea is not to force her to learn. 

Anyway, my plan is to teach capital letters first as I felt it is more easy, then slowly progress to writing small letters. 

Her first time writing G by herself! 
3) Numbers and Counting
She can now count from 1-20 confidently and occasionally beyond 20. I had started introducing the numbers from 21-100 by singing the 100 counting song while reading the book "100 days of school" with her. I borrowed the book from the library and it was quite an interesting book. The 100 counting song is a simple song make up by me just to make the boring counting process to 100 more interesting. 

It worked and she was picking the book every night and asked me to sing the 100 counting song to her. Yes I literally sing and counted 1-100 with her almost every night until I returned the book! At least now she got the concept from 1-100. She might not be able to count to 100 yet, but I believe by introducing to her early, it could help her to learn easier next time.

4) Simple Math - Addition
She can now understand simple addition like 1 +1 = 2, 1+2 = 3 and by adding 1 to each incremental number up to 10. She can also write simple numbers from 1-3. I haven't really started teaching her to write numbers yet but I will be starting very soon. 

5) Astronomy
She can now memorize all the planet's name in the solar system and in the correct order. She can even know all the Dwarf planet names too! She no longer like to watch Peppa Pig or Dora videos but her favourite now is to watch the planet song videos (But I would limit her to watch 2-3 times a week for a short period less than 1 hour each time). I noticed she will absorb learning faster when I add the music element in it. She can focus and concentrate better. 

6) Sight words
I bought some boardgames "My First Scrabble" and "Scrabble Junior" set for her to learn and recognise words in a fun way. I bought from Carousell for a price almost 60-70% cheaper than buying from retail shops. Of course the trade off is they are preloved, but the condition still very good. My logic is I'm not sure if my gal likes the boardgames. I don't want to spend a fortune buying things which I think she will like but if it turns out otherwise, it will really be a waste of money. 

We played the games together and it was quite fun. She can now recognise some easy words like "Cat", "Ant", "Dog", "Sun". I realised teaching sight words is the most challenging so far as she is used to visual pictures. Therefore I hope by injecting some play element, it can spur her interest to learn words. Surprisingly, she prefers "Scrabble Junior" than "My First Scrabble". 


Of course all work no play is boring. So I make sure I bring her to playground, attend some fun activities together, go for some sports like swimming, cycling, scooting frequently so that she can have more complete development. 

I hope by preparing her well, it could reduce her stress level as she progress to Kindergarten and Primary school. Seriously, I'm quite worried as I see most of the kids nowadays look so stress with their school work, attending tuition after tuition even at a very young age. I hope I will not subject my gal to go through all these. I hope she be able to cope with her school work easier and faster so she can have more time to develop her interest and passion. 

Star Gazing @ Science Centre Observatory

Due to my gal's interest in planets, and to support her interest which I think is good for her development, I brought her to the Science Centre Observatory last Friday after visiting Kidstop

Check out her journey of astronomy! 

The star gazing session started at 7.45pm. So we quickly had dinner after the Kidstop ended at 6pm before going back to the Science Centre. We need to take a queue number or rather a time slot for viewing the big telescope in the observatory. By the time we reached at 7.45pm, there was already a long queue. The time slot we had was at 8.45pm. 

So while waiting for our turn to view the big telescope, we attended a talk about constellation at 8pm.  I was surprised on the big crowd. So apparently, there are a lot of people here in Singapore who are also very keen and passionate about astronomy. There were also lots of young kids attending the session. The young kids really surprised me by how enthusiastic they were especially during the Q&A session. They were the ones who kept raising their hands to answer questions about the constellations and they knew it all! It is a very promising sign for our youth who are now more outspoken as compared to my time. I hope my gal will grow up to be confident and outspoken too! 

The constellation talk only lasted for 20mins. After that we went outside of the centre where they set up a few smaller telescopes for people to view while waiting for their turn to go up the observatory. 

There was long queue at each telescope and the queue took about 15-30mins for each telescope viewing. We managed to see the moon, Jupiter with its 4 moons and also Mars! It was really amazing! 

When it was our turn to go up the obsevatory, surprisingly there was no queue. I think the time slot really helps to spread out the crowd. We managed to see the moon up close. It was so clear that we could see the craters! My gal was so intrigued by the view that she kept exclaiming. 

There is really a spark difference between viewing through the big observatory telescope and the smaller telescope. Too bad they only allowed each person to view once at the observatory. 

It was really a great star gazing night and we were so lucky to see the planets and the moon. 

The star gazing session is free and it is on every Friday night. If you are interested, you can check out the science centre observatory Facebook page for any updates. 

Viewing through the big telescope at the observatory. It was amazing!
The sense of wonder by looking through the telescope! 


It's been a long time since I updated this blog. Been very busy with our life and recent happenings. However I always try to make time for my gal and find opportunities to plan for activities or places for us to go and play together whenever possible.

Kidstop is located at Science Centre, an educational indoor playground at an affordable price. For Singaporeans, we only need to pay $5 for the kid and $2 for each accompanying adult on weekdays. So that works out to be $7! Usual indoor playgrounds will cost at least $15-$20 for a play during weekdays. So $7 is considered a steal to me. There are so many activities in Kidstop to keep the child occupied and it is absolutely worth it!

I brought my gal to Kidstop last year when she was about 2 years old but on a weekend. She was still a baby turning toddler and I remembered she was't too excited back then. I guessed it could be too crowded on weekend and she didn't got the chance to play all the activities.

So this time, I brought her there on a Friday afternoon, after her playgroup ended. It was so much better than the last time we went as there were not too many kids and my gal could have more time playing at each activity. Also as she is more mature now as a toddler, she could understand better about the various activities and enjoyed herself more when playing.

The activities are educational and quite comprehensive in my opinion. It teaches role playing where kids can role play and learn about some science.

Therefore I highly recommended parents to bring their kids to Kidstop but only during weekdays.

My gal enjoyed Kidstop so much that she keep asking me to bring her back again. Definitely we will be going Kidstop more often but only during weekdays 

Ting Ting learning about animals and their babies

I'm riding a plane! 

These soft blocks are exactly like the ones at Kaboodle! 

This was her favourite activity. Putting the balls into the funnel and turning the wheel to deliver the balls up and drop down. She spent here for close to 30mins. 

She loves cooking! 

She's a little cook

She "cooked" this meal for me lolx

There are some musical instruments at level 2 too! But need to climb up . 
The dinosaur sandpit for archaeology was one of her favourite too. She enjoyed a lot by scooping up the sand and brushing off the sand from the bones. 

Ballet for junior

We attended the 'Ballet for Junior' lesson organised by 'Golibrary' few weeks ago.

It was a very interesting lesson with the ballet teacher teaching the kids somd very basic ballet dance steps. 

Although my gal may be the youngest in the class and had some difficulty following the dance steps but I can see that she enjoyed the lessons. She can even sing the song which was played during the lesson. 

This is also something which I like to expose her to. However as ballet lessons are not cheap so again I need to make sure she likes it before enrolling her. From what I see she is still young and may not be able to focus as well as those older kids. Anyway I think its always good to start her off to various interests then from there we shall see where she eventually branch off to. 

If you are interested, you may check out the golibrary website for the programs available.