Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Ting Ting development @ 3 years 10 months

Here's her development at 3 years 10 months:

1) She knows her numbers 1-100. 
Yes, she is able to recognise numbers from 1-100. I will be extending her beyond 100 in the next phrase.

2) Simple Math
She knows how to do simple addition below 10. For instance, 2+3=5. This is the part which I will be practising more with her. In the next phrase, will add on simple subtraction and times table too.

3) Intense interest in Astronomy 
Her intense interest in astronomy really surprises me on how much she knows for a 3 year old child. She already know all the planets within the solar system and able to tell me the order of the planets from the sun accurately. She can even tell me that the reason why Mars soil is red colour is due to the presence of iron! Also, she knows which are the dwarf planets and which planets are rocky and which are gas giants.

One day, she suddenly told me "Mommy, I think last time we come from Mars and we take the spaceship and come to Earth!" Well well, although it may sounds far fetch, but it means to me that she was thinking about it in her small inquisitive mind to make such hypothesis.

She is also very interested in black holes and kept asking me questions about black hole. Seriously, I have no idea too, but because of her question, I had to research and explained to her.

She told me that her aspiration is to be an astronaut and next time when she grows up, she wants to build a spaceship and go to the space with me!

I hope that she will continue her interest and passion in astronomy. If need be, I am prepare to support her to study astronomy in overseas as Singapore currently do not offer such courses which is a shame. I felt our government is limiting a lot of our young ones to further their interest in areas of breakthrough. Look at America, I believe the reason why they can be so advance in innovation and creativity is their willingness to explore the unknown through exploring space.

I felt that astronomy holds the key to our future generation's survival. Many other countries like China and India are starting to devote more resources in space exploration. Who knows, perhaps one day, human beings will migrate to other planets?

4) New interest in volcanos
Her new interest is volcanos currently. She is very fasinated by volcanoes and scrutinized every details of the volcano book by bombarding me with questions. I am happy that she asked so many questions because it shows that her curious mind is thinking and in the process I learn too.

Now, she can even tell me the volcanos are caused by movement of tectonics plates. Yes, when she said the word "tectonics",  I was so surprised. I don't remember I had taught her this but maybe while reading the volcano book, we came across this information?

Anyway, I am glad to borrow books of her interest and read to her every night. It seems to me so far, she is interested in astronomy and geography.

Let's see what's her upcoming new interest.

Seriously, I am happy about her progression. My objective is to cultivate and develop her interest, strength, moral values and character with a balance on academic results.

Therefore, if she shows keen interest in certain areas, I will do all I can to play to her interest like borrowing books from the library, visiting places of interest like the science centre observatory, going outdoors to explore things in the nature. I may even plan a volcano trip to our neighbourhood countries like Indonesia for her learning and exposure.

Having a child really changed me as a person. I am very motivated to learn new things which can benefit my parenting. I like to attend workshops, courses and organise family trips for bonding and for the good of my gal. Every step taken is to ensure she can grow up in a conducive environment.

We are also contemplating whether to move house to stay near to parks (so that we can exercise more regularly and more fresh air), good schools (preferably near to our choice of primary school and even sec school to minimise her travelling in the future)  and amenities (groceries). But such property is difficult to find and it takes some time to research too.

In time to come, we shall know.

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