Saturday, January 30, 2016

Life as a SAHM review

Time flies. I been a SAHM (Stay at home mother) for close to 1.5 years. During this long break, besides being able to spend more time with my gal, it also allows me to pursue many of my other interests like gardening and DIY.

We started by planting herbs at the corridor outside my house. The herbs we planted were mint, catnip, lemon balm, parsley, ginger, sweet basil. Surprisingly, the green beans which my gal planted and brought back from her playgroup grew very well and even blossom to grow flowers and bean pods too! I remembered when I was a young kid, I used to grow green beans too but after the green beans sprouted, it just die off. So I was so surprised to see my gal green bean plant thriving so well.  So far the herbs are growing well too. We installed the DIY self watering drip system so that our plants are being feed with water constantly.

I am planning to grow vegetables or perhaps sweet potatoes too. But our space outside our cooridoor is limited. So this needs to be plan carefully so that our neighbours won't complaint.

Did quite a fair bit of DIY home improvement during this time. Check out my DIY labels on my DIY creations! Did some more DIY too with my wardrobe and my gal's little work desk. So far I was quite happy with my DIY and reorganizing of our house by removing the clutter. The house looks more spacious and cleaner too.

With time spend to take care of my gal and all these interest and hobbies to occupy me, my daily schedule is fully packed. So what I do is to create daily to-do list on my handphone so I can keep to my schedule and remind me to complete my tasks.

Will I be going back to the workforce? Yes I think I will as I am also worried that I may lose my market value if I leave it for too long even though I am quite used to my current regime. I started looking out to jobs which interest me and allows me to have some work life balance to spend time with my child. Wish me luck! :)

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