Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Stand by Me Doraemon

Yes, it's Mummy's day out time again. Today after I went for my driving refresher course, I went to watched the movie Stand by Me Doraemon.

I am a big fan of Doraemon. I started reading Doraemon comic when I was 7 or 8 years old and I had the whole set comic collection. Because of Doraemon, it opened my little mind of imagination. Because of Doraemon, my Chinese improved tremendously cos the comic books were in Chinese and I'm so keen to read it.  Because of Doraemon, I got A star for my Chinese Language for PSLE and A1 for GCE O & A levels. I topped my class in Chinese Language from Primary to Junior College.

But I have to admit that my Chinese had deteriorated ever since my university time. I have been so busy with work after I graduated. I had no time reading Doraemon comic anymore. My Doraemon comic set was left in my mother's house storeroom collecting dust for n years. My mom asked me to throw or sell away the comic set, but I refused. It was an important part of my childhood that I couldn't forsake. So when I watched this movie, so much memory was brought back.

Most of the scenes in the movie I had read it in the comic books but with some twists. The scene of 世修&Doraemon travel from the future to help 大雄, 大雄initially saw his future married to 技安sister, 大雄travel to the future trying to help 宜静in the snowstorm, 技安force大雄 to eat spaghetti with his nose and etc, all bring back a smile to me.

What really touched me was a scene, when the future 大雄 saw Doraemon dozing off on a bench in a park, the present 大雄 asked him if he wants to meet Doraemon. The future 大雄reply no cos Doraemon belongs to his childhood. He told the present 大雄 to spend as much time with Doraemon while he still can. I was crying when I watched this scene. We have grown up, so we don't need Doraemon anymore. Doraemon belongs to our childhood, a part of our memory. How I wished secretly that 大雄will never grow up so I can continue to read Doraemon comic. But all good things must come to an end.

It was a great movie. Doraemon will always have a special place in my heart. Maybe when my gal is older, I will pass down my precious collection to her to open up her little world to Doraemon!

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