Sunday, November 9, 2014


I was quite resistant with Flashcards previously. After attending the PEC course with Shichida and hearing some sharings from another parent about the importance of flashing the cards, I thought it is no harm giving it a try.

I searched online for some cheap sources to buy flashcards or if I can DIY myself. However the cost of the flashcards was not cheap. Furthermore it does not have what I want of having both english and chinese. Most of the time I need to buy 2 sets for english and chinese which cost me double. The cheapest set of flashcards (alphabets, encyclopedia, numbers etc) which I found online (Qoo10) would cost me about $80-$100+++ which is out of my budget.

Therefore DIY flashcards seems to be the way so I can decide on the images on the flashcards and the language as well. I came across this blog Mummyhomeschool by a SAHM sharing how to make flashcard which I think is pretty good. Unfortunately my printer has some problem printing coloured pictures and can only print in black and white. Therefore DIY seems not feasible for me as I preferred to have the flashcard showing real images instead of cartoonish images. In addition, it is not cost effective to spend few hundred dollars to buy a coloured printer just for this too.

Finally, I managed to find some nice and cheaper flashcards sets at Popular bookstore. I bought 3 sets - Daily used products (72 cards, with English & Chinese words), Alphabets (40 cards, Eng & Chi) & Numbers (40 cards, Eng) - total 152 cards and it only cost me about S$25 (after discount). Best of all, all the cards have real images with english and chinese words and quality were quite good too.

Here's how it looks like.

The front of the card shows the picture. Behind the card shows the description in both English and Chinese. This is what I wanted.

For the ABC set, similarly behind the picture showed the wording in both English & Chinese.

The alphabets were separate cards from the pictures. But one thing I don't like is the alphabets also both sides. For instance, behind the alphabet A card is alphabet B. It makes it more troublesome when flashing the cards.

For the numbers set, behind the numbers showed the pictures which I think is good cos it showed the meaning of the number in graphic.

I am very pleased with the flashcards I bought in Popular. Cheap and good! I figured that I am only buying for trial so no point spend so much on the flashcards. If the results are good, I may buy other sets of different theme.

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