Sunday, November 9, 2014

Shichida PEC course

I attended the Shichida PEC course (it is a compulsory course for parent to attend) last month to learn about Shichida teachings and how to practice the learnings at home.

They explained why certain activities were conducted during the class and the rationale behind it. The course was expensive at around $200 for one parent and it only covers 2 sessions (3hrs each session). It is refundable if the child completed 12 months with Shichida.

I missed the first lesson as I forgot about it and only managed to attend the 2nd one. During the session, they showed some videos about how the children performed (e..g ability to memorise linking memory cards within minutes), shared about the values of Shichida method, taught us how to conduct home practice with the child and lastly, gotten a parent to share her experiences with Shichida.

I felt it is good that they shared the rationale of why the practices were done. It gave me a better understanding and more receptive to what was taught during the class like the flashcards.

According to them, by flashing the flashcard at high speed, it stimulates the child right brain and learning. Even though sometimes the child appear to be distracted and not looking at the flashcards, we should continue to flash as they are still listening and learning. They taught us not to doubt our child's ability and be patience for the output. The parent who shared with us also emphasize the importance of flashcards and that is the most important practice we should do with our child.

Although I am skeptical about the effectiveness of flashcards, but nonetheless decided to give it a try since there is no harm. Furthermore there was true life sharing about the effectiveness of the flashcards by the parent.

During the session, they also shared Shichida values of teaching which I totally agreed.  

1) Have 0 expectation of your child.
2) Don't be a perfectionist.
3) Take the child who she is.
4) Always look at the good things she did
5) Don't compare
6) Don't take academic achievement as the priority

As parents we often fall into the mind trap of wanting our child to excel academically and as a result causing stress to the child. I tried to tell myself to avoid this thinking although I understand it is difficult because all parents wants their child to do well, in Chinese 望子成What matters most to me is she grows up happily, healthily, be a good nature child, have compassion and care for others and doing and learning what she loves best.  

Back to the course review, I felt this course is useful and I really like the idea of such sharings to equip the parent to teach the child at home. But honestly speaking, this course could have been done better.

I felt the Shichida teachers who conducted the PEC course was not well prepared as I expected to be. Firstly, the information in the booklet they gave about the different home practices was not comprehensive. The teachers were flashing the presentation slides supposedly to be similar to what was written in the booklet, but some info which they presented was not found in the booklet at all. I noticed other parents also flipping through the book trying to find the info but couldn't find as well.

The teachers didn't seem to be aware and kept telling us to refer to the booklet as all information presented can be found inside the booklet but it is not true. It showed a lack of preparation as they are not aware of what was written in the booklet. When they tried to demonstrate how to flash the cards, some of the cards were mixed up and they took some time to sort it out. It again showed a lack of preparation.

I think what they could do is to provide supplementary notes to the booklet for those missing information as the course was conducted in quite a fast pace. There was lack of time to take down the missing notes (I think that was because they thought the information was in the book but in fact not). The supplementary notes wouldn't cost much too. I had written it in the feedback form too. Hopefully they will improved upon it.

As for the video showing the children reciting the linking memory cards, it looked very impressive at first as they were able to recite 40-50 items within minutes. However the problem is, they murmured or chanting through the words so fast that to be frank I can't even hear clearly what they said and if what they said were correct. After the child completed the recitation of the linking memory cards, they all looked so relief. That relief look on each child's face still leaves a deep impression in me - the stress they are facing of doing this and they are very young kids.

The refreshment provided was very simple. They just bought some cake rolls from some bakery shops downstairs and cut into very small pieces to share among a group of about 80-100 parents? Not even a simple light refreshment catering (e.g. finger food like mini sandwich, samosa and etc) which just cost a few dollars per person. Come on, the course fees are not cheap. Imagine parents come straight after work without dinner?

In addition, they are promoting a lot for their teaching materials which again not cheap.

I actually quite like their teaching values and concept. In fact this is the reason why I sign up with them. However, I felt they have been too focus about making money and saving cost on the minor things which really puts me off.

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