Monday, November 10, 2014

Shichida Review Part 4

Little gal made very good progress when we attended the most recent Shichida lesson. She seems to be in a good mood and quickly run into the classroom and said "Hi" to the teacher and her classmate.

She was having fun playing the energy ball warm up game and managed to do it herself. Previously, I need to guide her along to rub her hands and making the gestures. During the lesson, she seems to be focusing attentively to what the teacher was teaching. When I practiced the tools with her, she was very interested and not easily irritated as before. One possibility could be she took nap before she attended the class so she was refreshed. Another reason could be there were only 3 students (including my gal) attending that day so less distraction. 

She really did very well that day. She participated in every activity, able to grasp quickly what was taught and seems to be enjoying herself. It was very different from the previous sessions we had. I think she likes the teacher. She gave her a hug at the end of the lesson.  

I was in a dilemma. I was actually thinking not to continue to the next term after Dec14 as she did not seems to like the lessons previously and also she will be starting her playgroup lesson at the childcare centre near our house in Jan15. In any case the childcare centre which I will be enrolling her will teach flashcards too. However now that she showed so much interest, I'm not sure if I should continue. 

When I discussed with bb, he was adamant of not continuing. He felt that the reason why our gal showed so much progress was due to my home practice with her. He don't have good opinion of Shichida after he attended once at J10. 

I have some reservations over this too. But I like to think that it is due to all factors - Shichida, development milestone and home practice. Without attending Shichida lessons, I wouldn't got the idea of home teaching and how to teach little gal. Although I did not follow all of Shichida methods and added in some of my own way. 

So to be fair, I think Shichida Method is effective and I don't regret my decision to enrol little gal into it. However now that I learnt some of the teaching methods and furthermore I'm not working, so I can spend more time for home teaching instead of spending about $300 plus every month for a weekly session. Which means each Shichida lesson with duration of 1hr 15mins cost about $75. Well that is very good money!  

It is different from childcare playgroup as she will be there for 1/2 day at first and can get to mingle and play with other kids to develop her social skills. 

I need to think through this and make my decision when we attend the next lesson. 

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