Thursday, November 12, 2015

My DIY Project 2 - Magazine & Newspaper Holder

After I started with my first DIY project, a cutlery holder , my DIY ideas keep coming. 

While I was re-organising my dinning table area, I realised that my dinning table was too cluttered with all sorts of things like newspaper, magazine and many others. During meal times, I need to clear the table for a proper meal. Due to a lack of space, I got to put the newspapers or magazines on the floor which was very unsightly. I need a magazine/newspaper holder. 

I looked around the house and found a clothes hanger holder which I bought many years ago. I bought it previously thinking it would be useful to hang my clothes on. But in reality, I don't need it. So it was lying around the house with no uses at all. Therefore, a lot of things which I bought previously was in a spur of moment thinking that I may be able to use but in fact not. This also taught me a lesson to think through how to utilise or apply an item before buying it going forward. 

I tried to put the clothes holder below the window grill next to my dinning table and it fits perfectly. Then I tried to think how should I used it to put newspaper or magazine holder. An idea came to my mind that I could use a recycled fabric bag. I remembered I had a big recycled fabric bag previously but was torn. I did not throw it away as I felt there could be some uses in future. Therefore I put it into my recycle bag box. 

I dug it up from my recycle bag box pile and it fitted my clothes holder perfectly.  I just need to do some alterations and sewing to put it in place. It was hard work to sew them together. I was not good in sewing I admit and it was a struggle for me. I sewed some buttons on the bag so that it could be easily attach and remove from the holder. I took almost half a day to do this up and the end product was surprisingly good! 

The size fitted well and sturdy too. I can now put my newspapers and magazines into this holder without cluttering my dinning table! :)

Effort Required: 4/5 

My DIY magazine/newspaper holder made from recycled materials! 
The capacity is quite large too. 

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