Thursday, November 12, 2015

My DIY Project 3 - Multi Purpose Hanger

After making the magazine holder , I realised that it was still not enough to place my other miscellaneous items like waste papers for wrapping food waste, some toy brushes for my gal, recycle bags and many more. 

I looked through my recycle box and found this wooden dish holder which I bought from Daiso many years ago. Then an idea struck me that I could use it as a multi purpose hanger to put my miscellaneous stuff. 

What I did was to use some hooks to hang the item on the window grill besides my magazine holder. It just fits nicely to occupy the rest of my window grill. It was easy to install and very useful too. I can also use it to hang my recycle bags for my grocery shopping too :)

Effort Required: 1/5 

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