Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Stand by Me Doraemon

Yes, it's Mummy's day out time again. Today after I went for my driving refresher course, I went to watched the movie Stand by Me Doraemon.

I am a big fan of Doraemon. I started reading Doraemon comic when I was 7 or 8 years old and I had the whole set comic collection. Because of Doraemon, it opened my little mind of imagination. Because of Doraemon, my Chinese improved tremendously cos the comic books were in Chinese and I'm so keen to read it.  Because of Doraemon, I got A star for my Chinese Language for PSLE and A1 for GCE O & A levels. I topped my class in Chinese Language from Primary to Junior College.

But I have to admit that my Chinese had deteriorated ever since my university time. I have been so busy with work after I graduated. I had no time reading Doraemon comic anymore. My Doraemon comic set was left in my mother's house storeroom collecting dust for n years. My mom asked me to throw or sell away the comic set, but I refused. It was an important part of my childhood that I couldn't forsake. So when I watched this movie, so much memory was brought back.

Most of the scenes in the movie I had read it in the comic books but with some twists. The scene of 世修&Doraemon travel from the future to help 大雄, 大雄initially saw his future married to 技安sister, 大雄travel to the future trying to help 宜静in the snowstorm, 技安force大雄 to eat spaghetti with his nose and etc, all bring back a smile to me.

What really touched me was a scene, when the future 大雄 saw Doraemon dozing off on a bench in a park, the present 大雄 asked him if he wants to meet Doraemon. The future 大雄reply no cos Doraemon belongs to his childhood. He told the present 大雄 to spend as much time with Doraemon while he still can. I was crying when I watched this scene. We have grown up, so we don't need Doraemon anymore. Doraemon belongs to our childhood, a part of our memory. How I wished secretly that 大雄will never grow up so I can continue to read Doraemon comic. But all good things must come to an end.

It was a great movie. Doraemon will always have a special place in my heart. Maybe when my gal is older, I will pass down my precious collection to her to open up her little world to Doraemon!

Shichida - Last Review

After much consideration, I decided not to continue with Shichida.

As I be doing home practice with her frequently and she is starting her playgroup next year, therefore I felt attending Shichida classes is not necessary at the moment.

I get to save $$ if I do the home practice myself as Shichida is not cheap. Considering each 1 hr lesson cost you about $75-$80. Need to note that the last lesson at the end of each term is term break. So effectively you only get to attend 11 classes for 3 months assuming no PH and no MC.

However if you ask me if Shichida is worth attending? I say yes. Attending the classes allowed me to learn new teaching methods and I find it useful when doing home practice with her. It makes me realised that home practice is doable after all with some effort.

She enjoyed her last Shichida lesson on 20Dec14. She liked doing the energy ball, cutting fruits, matching and singing activities the most. She was more participative as compared when she first started. She was very focus in class and seldom fidget around. I actually felt bad when I saw that she already getting more used to the lesson and seems to be enjoying it. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of enrolling her back to Shichida in the future.

The teacher wrote a very nice note to my gal on the last day. One thing I like about the teacher @ Anchorvale CC is that she is very observant and interactive with the kids. She wrote comments which were genuine, describing what activities my gal did well and not just praising blindly those "Great job" stuff without things to substantiate. I'm not sure if other teachers are as good, but comparing to the one at J10, I prefer the teacher @ Anchorvale. Her name is May. I think in future if I need to enroll my gal back to Shichida, I would request to attend Teacher May's class if she still there.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Spa, shopping & Interstellar

Yes, it's mummy's day out! Finally get to spend some "Me-time" with myself today. It's been a long time since I go out alone.

I've been planning for what I'm gonna to do today. First, I went for a massage @ Spa Rael located next to Goodwood Park Hotel. It's a complimentary massage with compliments from my credit card. What I like about the spa is the facilities. It provided the warm blanket so I actually feel warm while lying on it doing the massage. Before the massage, they did some survey with me asking about my areas of concern and my preference of the massage. Although I kept emphasizing I want light massage. However during the massage, the massage lady kept attacking my areas of concern and it felt very painful even though I kept telling her to be light.

The massage technique was not good and the massage lady don't seems to be experienced. I knew it cos an experience massager will be able to apply the strength well and not caused pain. Now while sitting here typing this blog, I felt my whole body ache already, especially my back, leg and thigh. It was supposed to be an enjoyable experience, but I think it was instead a torture. Nowadays it is very difficult to find good massager. They don't know how to apply their strength appropriately. So I don't think I will want to go back to Spa Rael again even though their facilities are top notch.

Next, I went shopping @ Takashimaya to buy a pair of sandals. Taka is now having discount and if pay by Taka credit card, you will get additional 10% discount. I bought a pair of fitflop sandals cos my previous pair was spoiled. I actually wore it for 6-7 years and it was my first pair of fitflop. It was the best sandal I ever had. Although it was expensive, but it was durable and very comfortable too. Therefore I don't mind paying for it as it can last me for many years. However I made a mistake. The size I bought was a little too small for me. I only realise it when I got home. I should have try a bigger size. So I need to go back again, hopefully can change to a bigger size one.

Finally, I watched Interstellar @ Shaw House IMAX. I watched it previously with bb but digital version. I wish to experience the IMAX version of the movie since it was film with IMAX. It was a great movie so I don't mind watching it again. Well, after watching it and comparing to the digital version, there is actually no much difference except the IMAX images clearer and sound system more bombastic. I thought it is going to be something like the OMIMAX theatre at Science centre but it is not. Therefore the conclusion is I will go for the digital next time since no much difference and cheaper by almost 40% as compared to IMAX.

Putting the IMAX experience aside, Interstellar is one of the best movie I ever watched. It's been a very long time I ever like a movie and willing to watch twice. Nowadays the movies showed are all full of violence, sex and vulgarities. The focus of movie making is profit. Look at what happen to Hobbit. It was a simple children's story, but they film it as Trilogy. Hunger Games too. The last series Mockingjay, they split it into two parts which could be done in one. Harry Potter was charming at first, but subsequently lost the sparks as the series went on. Even the super hero series, Spider man, Batman, Superman, Xmen, Iron man and many others...they just keep remaking to make money. Where was the magic, the imagination, the creativity and dreams of movie? I used to love watching movies, but now I am very selective. I read the synopsis of the movie and only watched it if the story line is something I like.

However for Interstellar, I didn't read any of the synopsis and just watched it because it was directed by Christopher Nolan and space travel always fascinates me. And yes it didn't disappoint me. The story was groundbreaking and the acting was top notch. I cried while watching the emotions between the father and children.

I got to understand the story better on the second time watching it. There are a few interesting concepts which the movie is introducing. The earth is no longer sustainable to live in the future so mankind is actively looking for other habitable planets to migrate to. Going into a black hole could allow travelling in different time dimensions and it might be created by human beings of the future?

This movie is not about aliens, but rather the survival of humans. I am not surprised that this day will come during my lifetime. Look around us, things are changing very fast. Snow caps are melting, rainforests are going and more disasters are coming. Earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcano eruption, Typhoons, all these are getting more frequent and vicious. It is the nature way of warning us. More and more countries are launching their space program to explore other worlds. Are they also trying to source for habitable worlds so that they can migrate to it cos they know what is going to happen?  I suspect when this day come, only the richest or the brightest of human race will get the boarding pass to the Noah's Ark.

Christopher Nolan is one of the best director, his movies don't disappoint so far. I started watching his movie from The Prestige and intrigued by his directing and story. Inception, a movie about planting ideas into the mind through dreams ~ "Your world was not real" still send the chills off me. However, the Batman series movie did not really impress me. I still prefer the Michael Keaton version, more light hearted, not so much violence. I hope he will continue to create quality movies. I think so far in Hollywood, only him and James Cameron are still keeping the standards of making great movies.

Oh well, what a day. Although the massage spoilt it, but watching Interstellar again makes my day.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Shichida Review Part 4

Little gal made very good progress when we attended the most recent Shichida lesson. She seems to be in a good mood and quickly run into the classroom and said "Hi" to the teacher and her classmate.

She was having fun playing the energy ball warm up game and managed to do it herself. Previously, I need to guide her along to rub her hands and making the gestures. During the lesson, she seems to be focusing attentively to what the teacher was teaching. When I practiced the tools with her, she was very interested and not easily irritated as before. One possibility could be she took nap before she attended the class so she was refreshed. Another reason could be there were only 3 students (including my gal) attending that day so less distraction. 

She really did very well that day. She participated in every activity, able to grasp quickly what was taught and seems to be enjoying herself. It was very different from the previous sessions we had. I think she likes the teacher. She gave her a hug at the end of the lesson.  

I was in a dilemma. I was actually thinking not to continue to the next term after Dec14 as she did not seems to like the lessons previously and also she will be starting her playgroup lesson at the childcare centre near our house in Jan15. In any case the childcare centre which I will be enrolling her will teach flashcards too. However now that she showed so much interest, I'm not sure if I should continue. 

When I discussed with bb, he was adamant of not continuing. He felt that the reason why our gal showed so much progress was due to my home practice with her. He don't have good opinion of Shichida after he attended once at J10. 

I have some reservations over this too. But I like to think that it is due to all factors - Shichida, development milestone and home practice. Without attending Shichida lessons, I wouldn't got the idea of home teaching and how to teach little gal. Although I did not follow all of Shichida methods and added in some of my own way. 

So to be fair, I think Shichida Method is effective and I don't regret my decision to enrol little gal into it. However now that I learnt some of the teaching methods and furthermore I'm not working, so I can spend more time for home teaching instead of spending about $300 plus every month for a weekly session. Which means each Shichida lesson with duration of 1hr 15mins cost about $75. Well that is very good money!  

It is different from childcare playgroup as she will be there for 1/2 day at first and can get to mingle and play with other kids to develop her social skills. 

I need to think through this and make my decision when we attend the next lesson. 

Flashcard practice

After I bought the flashcards. I used it almost everyday in my morning home practice. I flashed the cards quite slowly as a beginner and I noticed she seems to lose patience over my slow pace.

She stayed interested for the first 10 cards, then wandered off after that. I stopped the flashcards once she showed the lack of interest as I felt that even if I continued flashing the cards, she also wouldn't be interested and I didn't want to force upon her too. Yes although the PEC course taught that we should continue flashing, but knowing my gal, I don't want her to lose the interest in flashcards if I did it too forcefully. Also, I don't really like the idea of flashing the cards without any audience too.

After that I tried to practice flashing cards in front of the mirror and flash the cards faster. When I tried it on the next day, it worked. She managed to stay interested when I flashed half of the Daily used flashcards but lost patience again after that.

So when I tried to flash cards on the 3rd day. She managed to stay engaged for all the 72 cards of the Daily used flashcards, but lost interest when I proceed on to the Numbers Set. So everyday I will try to flash the cards, and we made progress day by day. In the most recent practice we did, she managed to stay engaged when I flashed the Daily use 72 card and Numbers cards set.

I'm not sure how much she absorbed and what would be the output. However I noticed she was able to focus and stayed attentive when I flashed the cards. So that is quite a good progress to me I think.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


I was quite resistant with Flashcards previously. After attending the PEC course with Shichida and hearing some sharings from another parent about the importance of flashing the cards, I thought it is no harm giving it a try.

I searched online for some cheap sources to buy flashcards or if I can DIY myself. However the cost of the flashcards was not cheap. Furthermore it does not have what I want of having both english and chinese. Most of the time I need to buy 2 sets for english and chinese which cost me double. The cheapest set of flashcards (alphabets, encyclopedia, numbers etc) which I found online (Qoo10) would cost me about $80-$100+++ which is out of my budget.

Therefore DIY flashcards seems to be the way so I can decide on the images on the flashcards and the language as well. I came across this blog Mummyhomeschool by a SAHM sharing how to make flashcard which I think is pretty good. Unfortunately my printer has some problem printing coloured pictures and can only print in black and white. Therefore DIY seems not feasible for me as I preferred to have the flashcard showing real images instead of cartoonish images. In addition, it is not cost effective to spend few hundred dollars to buy a coloured printer just for this too.

Finally, I managed to find some nice and cheaper flashcards sets at Popular bookstore. I bought 3 sets - Daily used products (72 cards, with English & Chinese words), Alphabets (40 cards, Eng & Chi) & Numbers (40 cards, Eng) - total 152 cards and it only cost me about S$25 (after discount). Best of all, all the cards have real images with english and chinese words and quality were quite good too.

Here's how it looks like.

The front of the card shows the picture. Behind the card shows the description in both English and Chinese. This is what I wanted.

For the ABC set, similarly behind the picture showed the wording in both English & Chinese.

The alphabets were separate cards from the pictures. But one thing I don't like is the alphabets also both sides. For instance, behind the alphabet A card is alphabet B. It makes it more troublesome when flashing the cards.

For the numbers set, behind the numbers showed the pictures which I think is good cos it showed the meaning of the number in graphic.

I am very pleased with the flashcards I bought in Popular. Cheap and good! I figured that I am only buying for trial so no point spend so much on the flashcards. If the results are good, I may buy other sets of different theme.

My Home Practice Classroom!

From the inspiration of Shichida, I DIY a home practice board. I called it my gal's name classroom.

Using recycle materials like cork board, cardboard, waste paper and coloured paper I created something which cost me almost nothing. The only cost which I spent doing the board is the additional velcro which I bought from Daiso and cost only $2 for 1 big piece! I bought 2 pieces so it cost me $4 to do up this board.

Those cork board, cardboard and coloured paper were my collection from my recycle project accumulated through the years. I figured that these items still looks good and it is a waste to throw it away. And yes, it finally come to use. I always like to recycle stuff.

Here's my humble creation :)

I can put up the topics which I will be teaching and place the teaching tools and materials onto the velcro freely. Cos my gal likes Dora, so I used Dora stickers on the board and on the teaching materials to stimulate her interest.  

For the shapes, I will ask my gal to paste the shapes onto the board. At first, she messed it up, but recently when I practice with her, she was able to paste the shapes correctly.

I like to add Chinese words in the teaching materials. She needs to learn Chinese too as it is our roots and important language of the future.

My library of topics includes colours, opposites, weather, feelings, actions, animals, vegetables, fruits and many more. It was quite fun doing all these. I enjoyed it too. It was n years since I did art and craft and colouring. It seems like yesterday.

Every weekday morning, I will conduct this home practice class with her on different topics in my study room. I know she is looking forward to it cos every morning she will knock on my study room door (which I always keep it close) and wanted to go in. I tried to keep the session short at 1hr and do it in the morning after she wakes up and have her milk cos I figured morning is the best time for learning.

I did not follow Shichida class topics strictly. I only follow certain topics like the energy ball (which my gal loves it), singing songs, memory linking and recently flashcards. The rest will be the playing with the board.

Afternoon time after her nap will be playing or going out which I will be bringing her to playground or library or playing games with her at home. Evening time will be story books reading before she goes to sleep.

I will give her a break on weekend cos that is usually the time the 3 of us will go out when bb is not working.

Depending on her progress, I will make adjustment to her morning classroom program. That's the best thing about home teaching I think.

Shichida PEC course

I attended the Shichida PEC course (it is a compulsory course for parent to attend) last month to learn about Shichida teachings and how to practice the learnings at home.

They explained why certain activities were conducted during the class and the rationale behind it. The course was expensive at around $200 for one parent and it only covers 2 sessions (3hrs each session). It is refundable if the child completed 12 months with Shichida.

I missed the first lesson as I forgot about it and only managed to attend the 2nd one. During the session, they showed some videos about how the children performed (e..g ability to memorise linking memory cards within minutes), shared about the values of Shichida method, taught us how to conduct home practice with the child and lastly, gotten a parent to share her experiences with Shichida.

I felt it is good that they shared the rationale of why the practices were done. It gave me a better understanding and more receptive to what was taught during the class like the flashcards.

According to them, by flashing the flashcard at high speed, it stimulates the child right brain and learning. Even though sometimes the child appear to be distracted and not looking at the flashcards, we should continue to flash as they are still listening and learning. They taught us not to doubt our child's ability and be patience for the output. The parent who shared with us also emphasize the importance of flashcards and that is the most important practice we should do with our child.

Although I am skeptical about the effectiveness of flashcards, but nonetheless decided to give it a try since there is no harm. Furthermore there was true life sharing about the effectiveness of the flashcards by the parent.

During the session, they also shared Shichida values of teaching which I totally agreed.  

1) Have 0 expectation of your child.
2) Don't be a perfectionist.
3) Take the child who she is.
4) Always look at the good things she did
5) Don't compare
6) Don't take academic achievement as the priority

As parents we often fall into the mind trap of wanting our child to excel academically and as a result causing stress to the child. I tried to tell myself to avoid this thinking although I understand it is difficult because all parents wants their child to do well, in Chinese 望子成What matters most to me is she grows up happily, healthily, be a good nature child, have compassion and care for others and doing and learning what she loves best.  

Back to the course review, I felt this course is useful and I really like the idea of such sharings to equip the parent to teach the child at home. But honestly speaking, this course could have been done better.

I felt the Shichida teachers who conducted the PEC course was not well prepared as I expected to be. Firstly, the information in the booklet they gave about the different home practices was not comprehensive. The teachers were flashing the presentation slides supposedly to be similar to what was written in the booklet, but some info which they presented was not found in the booklet at all. I noticed other parents also flipping through the book trying to find the info but couldn't find as well.

The teachers didn't seem to be aware and kept telling us to refer to the booklet as all information presented can be found inside the booklet but it is not true. It showed a lack of preparation as they are not aware of what was written in the booklet. When they tried to demonstrate how to flash the cards, some of the cards were mixed up and they took some time to sort it out. It again showed a lack of preparation.

I think what they could do is to provide supplementary notes to the booklet for those missing information as the course was conducted in quite a fast pace. There was lack of time to take down the missing notes (I think that was because they thought the information was in the book but in fact not). The supplementary notes wouldn't cost much too. I had written it in the feedback form too. Hopefully they will improved upon it.

As for the video showing the children reciting the linking memory cards, it looked very impressive at first as they were able to recite 40-50 items within minutes. However the problem is, they murmured or chanting through the words so fast that to be frank I can't even hear clearly what they said and if what they said were correct. After the child completed the recitation of the linking memory cards, they all looked so relief. That relief look on each child's face still leaves a deep impression in me - the stress they are facing of doing this and they are very young kids.

The refreshment provided was very simple. They just bought some cake rolls from some bakery shops downstairs and cut into very small pieces to share among a group of about 80-100 parents? Not even a simple light refreshment catering (e.g. finger food like mini sandwich, samosa and etc) which just cost a few dollars per person. Come on, the course fees are not cheap. Imagine parents come straight after work without dinner?

In addition, they are promoting a lot for their teaching materials which again not cheap.

I actually quite like their teaching values and concept. In fact this is the reason why I sign up with them. However, I felt they have been too focus about making money and saving cost on the minor things which really puts me off.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Little gal @ 20 months development milestones on 6Nov14!

6Nov14 (Thurs) - it was a breakthrough in her development to us.

Firstly, when we bring her to her grandma house, as usual she made a mess out of the toys offered to her. Previously we been trying to teach her how to tidy up after playing, but she would refused and keep saying "No No No".

Surprisingly on that day, when I asked her to pick up the toys and put inside the cupboard which keep the toys, she obediently picked up every one of the toys which she scattered all over the floor and tried to organise them in the cupboard. The whole thing took about 15mins but she did it one by one patiently without our help. I was so surprised and happy cos previously she never did it and refused whenever I asked her to. Well, that was a milestone to me!

Secondly, when we went home and let her play at the playground downstairs, she went to the staircase and tried to climb up the stairs. She was able to climb up to 5th storey by holding on to the rails and climbed down all by herself. Then after she got the hang of it, she climbed up the stairs again, and this time, she climbed all the way up above 10 over storey! So in total she climbed more than 20 storey on that day!

Both bb and I were so shocked. We didn't expected it and thought she would give up after climbing up to 5th storey again. But she persevered and climbed all the way up to above 10th floor without our help. Climbing 10 over storey is already a challenge for us but for a young toddler at 20months, she managed to do it by herself!

I felt that these 2 were major milestones she achieved and wanted to blog it to record this special day.

Little gal, if you read this blog in the future, Daddy and Mummy wanna let you know that we were so proud of you!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Little gal development progress - 20 months

At 20 months, I am surprised with my gal's development. 

She can expressed herself now by saying simple words of what she wants. E.g. She will say "shoe" or "Out" if she wants to go out. She will say “” if she wants you to open something. With some prompting, she will say "Please, ". She will say “谢谢” when being offered a cookie (but need some prompting). She will say "soup" when she wants to drink soup. She will say "Bread" if she wants to eat bread. She will say "Nice!" if the food taste good and many others. 

She has very good memory and can remember what you teach her and relate back when you ask her. For instance, I read to her a book about feelings and how to express surprise 1-2 months ago. Recently I read to her another book also about feelings but with a different surprise expression. When I asked her what is surprise, she expressed her surprise similar to the first book she read instead of the recent book. She is like a sponge, absorbing what was taught to her the first time. 

She likes to listen to our conversations and can also understand very well what we are talking about. For instance, when I was discussing with my mom to bring her out, she immediately go to her shoe rack, point to her shoe and say "shoe" and stand at the door waiting to go out. 

She can name the pictures in the book when I point to her and ask her what is it. Things she can name clearly are Dog, cat, mouse, cow, apple, ant, fly, arrow, bear, boat, car, bus, ball, balloon, baby, bag, bib, card, cake, egg, duck, flower, fork, spoon, hat, heart, book, pig, shoe, clothes, train, and etc. 

She is better at pronouncing simple words with 1-2 syllabus. She can't pronounce words with 3 syllabus yet. However she can understand most of it and point to the picture or item when I asked her. E.g. when I asked where is the umbrella? She will go look for her umbrella and bring it to me although she can't pronounce it yet.

Name body parts
She can name clearly and point to her body parts (Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, toes, arm, hand). 

Basic Opposites
She can say "Up" and "Down" and raise her hands when up and put down her hands when down. She can identify if the things she touch is cold or hot. 

She knows "Big" and "Small" but not able to say out yet. But she demonstrated her understanding by expanding her hands when I asked her what is big and narrowing her hands when I asked her what is small. 

She also knows who is a boy or girl. She will point to a boy and say "Boy!" and point to herself when I asked her where's the girl. 

Motor skills
1. Drink from cup
She is able to drink from a cup (not sippy cup) independently now with minimal spilling and finished every drop of it. She can also feed herself but still got tendency to spill the food all over her. With more practice, I believe she will be able to feed independently in no time.

2. Walk up & down the stairs
She can walk up the stairs to 5th storey and walk down by holding on to the rails. I have to admit that even I have difficulty catching up with her.

3. Throw, roll and kick the ball
She knows the difference between throw, roll and kick the ball and can do it when being prompted.

4. Riding scooter
She can ride a scooter now by herself in a slow pace. Not racing stage yet.

Follow instructions
She is able to listen and follow instructions very well. For example, she can pick up the correct thing and bring to you when being told to.
Loves to read
She loves to read and every night before she goes to bed, she will go into the bedroom automatically and find her books and ask me to read to her by pulling my hands and point to the books. When I am not reading to her, she will flip the book pages and try to read it herself.
Likes & dislikes
She starts to develop her own personality and likes and dislikes. For example when my mom tried reading to her, she refused and say "no no no" (cos my mom don't understand the book and anyhow read, and she knows it!). But she is ok when I or her daddy read to her.

When I sing to her, she will be very happy and start dancing by spinning around. But when my mom or aunt sings to her, she will stop and sulk (cos my mom and aunt sing out of tune and she knows it!).

What surprised me is she actually knows and will listen to you if she thinks you knows your stuff well. So she is starting to be aware of what is right or wrong and good or bad. I think she got a very positive and serious attitude towards learning.

I'm not sure how the other children of same age progressed. I read articles before that some very intelligent kid can read all alphabets by the age of 1 year old. My gal may not be in that league but I am happy and satisfied with her development every day bit by bit.

What matters most to me is she grows up happily, healthily, be a good nature child, have compassion and care for others and doing and learning what she loves best.  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Shichida Review Part 3

I had attended the Shichida lesson at Anchorvale CC for almost a month. Here are some of my thoughts of the likes and reservation.

1. Location
I love it that it is so near to my house. The travelling is a breeze. It only took us 30mins by LRT or 15-20mins by bicycle. Comparing the 2hrs travelling to Junction 10, this is so much better!

2. Teacher
The teacher here is more interactive. She will try to mingle with the children or guide them when they are showing difficulty to do the activities. She also made the effort to paste those songs lyrics on the wall. She is also more hygiene conscious and will hand the wet towels to the children at the start and end of the class. Previously at J10, the children were given the wet towels only at the beginning of the class.

3. Homework
Strangely, I quite like the idea of homework. Of course, the homework is to make the parent busy haha. But it also prompted me to practice with my baby at home too. Don't worry, the homework is something very simple and easy to do.

1. Distraction
I noticed my gal tend to get distracted, not able to stay focus and displayed irritation when we are practising the activities in the class. I felt that she was easily affected by the sounds around her because when I practice with her at home, she was more focus and interested.

2. Development
She had developed exponentially over the month in terms of the ability to expressing herself, her understanding of things and vocabulary. However, I'm not sure if this is due to Shichida or part of the child development milestones. I felt that she enjoyed more and more interested when I read story books, sing songs and do home classroom activities with her as compared to the Shichida class.

3. Flashcard
I really don't like the idea of flashcard. The speed of the flashcard is the same as what I encountered at J10. Basically, the flashcards were flashed at very fast speed with the teacher murmuring out the words as she flashed. I think this is the standard at Shichida cos the teachers at both J10 and Anchorvale do the same thing when flashing cards. I still can't see how by flashing cards so fast can stimulate the child. Therefore I have my reservation of the effectiveness of flashcards.

I am still contemplating if I should continue Shichida for my gal after Dec. I need to think through this.

50th percentile

We weighed our little gal yesterday and all her 3 growth indicators: - weight, height and head circumference finally hit the 50th percentile for her age. This is such a great relief to us cos since she was born, she was mostly on the 10-20th percentile. We were quite worried about her not growing well previously so this is really a milestone. :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Shichida Review Part 2

I had attended the Shichida lesson for almost 2 months at Junction 10 centre (Check out my first review). Well, I have mixed feelings about the lessons.

BB had attended once when I was sick and he don't have any good comments about the Shichida lesson. I shall not share his views and comments here as it's better he share it himself in the blog if he wants to.

Here's my part 2 review.

The good

  1. Development progress
    Little gal showed some progress on memory linking but results not consistent. She seems to develop very fast during these 2 months in terms of recognising things and increasing her vocabulary. But not sure if this is part of the growing development phrase or due to Shichida.
  2. New ways of learning & teaching the child
    I got to expose to different types of learning/teaching the child to develop right brain. A lot of tools were used during the class to keep the child stimulated and interested (except for the flash card). 

The bad

  1. Pace of lesson too fast
    I still think the pace of the lesson is too fast. Each activity took about 1-2mins and the child just barely touch the tool given and have to return it and go for the next activity.

    I'm not sure if the child able to absorb it and is effective. Therefore it relied a lot on home teaching. To be honest, I also forgotten some of the tactics after the class as things are done too fast.
  2. Flash card session
    The flash card session really was done in a flash. The cards were flashed so fast that it seems to be rushing it through with no engagement with the kids. It was the most boring activity and the kids in the class were losing attention, fidgeting or climbing around.

    If the purpose of flashing the cards is to stimulate the right brain, I'm not sure if it is effective as it does not capture the kids attention and if it was done in the correct way.
  3. Little gal doesn't seems to like attending the class
    In the recent lessons, she cried when going into the classroom. Previously she was running into the classroom and saying hi to everyone.

Next month, we will be transferring to another centre near to our house. It was a great relieve, the travelling to J10 was really a nightmare. I regretted signing up the lesson at J10. I should have waited for the enrollment in Oct14 with the centre near my house. Oh well, when it matters to the child, I become irrational. 

I still have another 3 months to go for the classes. I don't wish to have any verdict yet. I hope to try out at the other centre if it is better. 

Friday, September 12, 2014


We went LEGOLAND on the next day (Check out our trip here). We were actually debating whether to buy the annual pass or just day pass. We decided to buy the day pass first and if it is fun we can always upgrade to annual pass.

When we reached LEGOLAND around 11.30am, the weather was so hot and sunny. It is true with most reviews that there were lack of shade and shelter. We decided to take the train first to go around the LEGOLAND to hide from the heat.

After taking the train ride, our little gal needs to take her noon nap, so we retreated into the Market restaurant to take a rest from the heat and for our gal to nap in her stroller. Unfortunately it started to rain, so we were confined in the restaurant, hoping that the rain will stop. The weather was so unpredictable, one moment it was scorching hot, the next moment it was raining. By the time our gal waked up, it was around 2.30pm and after feeding her lunch, it was 3pm already but it was still raining. We then decided to explore around the park with our umbrella.

We went to the  Dunlop Playtown @ Imagination Land. It was a sheltered indoor playground for little kids, so it's suitable for our little gal to play with.

We also went to watch a 4D show at the Legostudio, took an indoor fun ride at the Adventure Land Lost kingdom and ride a boat at the Boating school when the rain stops. The Boating school was fun and we were able to paddle the boat together as a family and we took the ride twice. Boovie had a blast of riding the roller coaster too.

Conclusion, we only managed to do limited number of rides due to the weather and also some of the rides were not suitable for 18 month old. The queue to the rides were quite manageable at about 5-10mins waiting. We went on a Monday.

We made the right choice - we do not need annual pass cos we won't be visiting it in near future. Visiting LEGOLAND needs to take note of weather as raining will dampen the spirit and limit the number of rides.

Comparing LEGOLAND to Hello Kitty town & Little Big Club, I prefer the latter. LEGOLAND is more for older kids maybe above 6 years old to be able to enjoy most of the rides.

The entrance

Lost Kingdom adventure. Indoor adventure game. Suitable for 18 months too.

S'pore Flyer - The miniland made of lego bricks.

Boovie enjoying the roller coaster ride

Little Big Club

We went to Little Big Club after lunch around 3pm. Little Big Club consists of 2 levels, the first level were indoor playground, arcade games and Angelina Ballerina. The 2nd level consists of indoor kiddy rides. There were also shows and programs in the themepark too.

There were more actions at the Little Big Club and our gal could participate more into the activities.

She dressed like a little ballerina and danced with the mouse Angelina Ballerina. We had a good laugh seeing her bouncing around the studio. The kiddy rides were fun and adults could ride too. The rides were unlimited inclusive in the ticket price. With aircon, the experience was good as we were shield from the heat and yet could enjoy all the rides at the fastest time cos no queue. We took about 3 hours to complete Little Big Club.   

In summary, we had a great time at the Little Big Club. Highly recommended to visit it together with Hello Kitty Town with young little kids (Check out our trip here)

At the first level

Arcade Game - So kiddish

Arcade game

Angelina Ballerina teaching her little students how to dance. Our little gal bouncing along :)

Kiddy ride

Little ferris wheel

Helicopter ride

Hello Kitty Town

We visited the Sanrio Hello Kitty Town on the first day (Check out our trip here). We went there around 10.30am. It wasn't very crowded considering it was a Sunday.

We were able to try out some activities while our little gal was sleeping in her stroller. It was a good thing that we brought along her stroller so she could take her nap and rest when needed.

We bought the 1 day pass for Hello Kitty Town and Little Big Club, visiting 2 theme parks. It cost 110RM per person. You can get a 10% discount for NTUC member.

Overall, it was a fun experience. We got to do some cute activities like making the Hello Kitty and Badtz Maru souvenir, decorated the biscuit with jam which we could eat too, doing up the Hello Kitty badge which we could bring home too (but I lost it :( ), play the rescue Hello Kitty game, watch Hello Kitty shows and teacup rides. We also managed to catch the Hello Kitty parade at the end of the day which was fun. All the cute characters will dance with the little kids like a parade and greet the audience goodbye. 

It took us about 3 hrs to tour the Hello Kitty Town, then we went for lunch before going to Little Big Club. We can actually go out of the Hello Kitty Town and come in again with the ticket so no issue.

Hello Kitty Town is more suitable for very young kids above 3 yrs old where they could appreciate doing handicraft activities. Our gal who was 18 months had a blast too as she could play at the playground, ride on the teacup rides, watched the shows and parade.

It's a activity room

It's a mini playground

Activities schedule

Making souvenir

We made these! Took us 20mins :)

Photo taking with cute characters costume. But you need to pay for the photos.

Biscuit making - Before and after. The biscuits were yummy!
Badge making

Hello Kitty escape game

Little teacup rides

The end day parade

Puteri Harbour Traders Hotel

We stayed in Puteri Harbour Traders Hotel during our 3 days 2 nites trip to Hello Kitty Town, Little Big Club and Legoland. Check out my sharing of the trip here.

The hotel exceeds our expectations and this is the great choice that we made over the Legoland hotel. The hotel rate is cheaper, new and good facilities with convenient location and excellent service.

Here's my review of the hotel.

The hotel is located at the Little Red Cube building and within a short walk (2-3mins) to Hello Kitty Town and Little Big Club. They also provide complimentary shuttle bus service to Legoland every half hour. The distance from the hotel to Legoland takes about 10-15mins drive. However as the seats are limited, need to book in advance at the concierge at ground floor.

Hotel Check-in Process
The hotel check in process is fast and efficient. However as we reached there in the early morning around 9am and it was a Sunday, therefore our room was not available untill late afternoon. But then it is ok for us since we are planning to go out for the whole day too. We left our luggage at the concerige and wandered off to have our breakfast and theme parks exploration. When we came back to the hotel around 5.30pm, the hotel room was ready and our luggage already in our hotel room which was a thoughtful gesture.

The room was new, modern, spacious and clean. It had a sofa couch, writing desk and ample space to place the baby cot bed. They provided the baby cot bed and baby bath tub as the toilet do not have a bathtub.  Just need to request for baby cot bed during the booking and remind them again when check in. However they were not too responsive to the baby cot request. We had to repeatedly remind them about the cot bed request before they brought in. When it comes to requesting for baby facilities, Berjaya Langkawi still the best in class.  

Hotel room
With Cot bed


The breakfast had a nice spread of fruits, porridge, noodles, nasi lemak, dessert and many others, but most of it were not as tasty as I would expect. Quite disappointing.

The hotel facilities are excellent. We took turns to enjoy the steam bath in the evening as we need to take care of our gal. It was great after a long day out at the themeparks. Boovie also tried out the gym even though he did not brought his sports shoes. Come to think of it we should have brought our sports shoes. The steam bath is located inside the health club toilet. There was no one else so I can enjoy the steam bath by myself which was a very shiok feeling.

The last day morning we went for a swim at the hotel rooftop infinity pool. The view was great, overlooking the Puteri Harbour. It has the Jacuzzi pool, adult and kids pool. We had a great and fun time swimming, enjoying the views.

The Steam room
Swimming pool
Infinity pool at rooftop. A great idea!

I forgot to bring along my iphone charger and the reception/room service staff was so kind to lend to me. Exceptional service with staff willing to go the extra mile!

Staying in Traders Puteri Harbour is a great choice and I would strongly recommend for a short stay to visit the theme parks.